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" Ah, ah," Joseph said with each dribble as he passed the basketball between his legs, shooting the ball into the hoop. " All net baby!" He exclaimed, still holding his arm in the air as he taunted Antonio.

" Whatever," Antonio said, running for the ball.

" Just say you can't guard me and I'll leave you alone,"

" I can!" Antonio exclaimed. " I got the best defense on my team,"

" I bet you do," Joseph chuckled walking over to the benches out of breath.

He sat down on the cold metal and picked up his water bottle, swishing the water in his mouth and spitting it out.

" Why do you do that?" Antonio asked, bouncing the orange ball.

" Drink too much water while you runnin around and shit will make you cramp up,"

Joseph had taken Antonio to the courts in his old neighborhood to shoot around a little bit and talk to him about what happened the other day. The sun was beginning to set and there was a little chill in the air but their body temperatures were raised from running up and down the court so the weather didn't bother them.

" Why did you say you didn't try for the NBA again?" Antonio asked, taking a seat next to Joseph.

Antonio adored Joseph. He really looked up to him like a big brother. Joseph was easy to talk to and he didn't treat Antonio like a little boy like Grace and his mom did. Though he was sixteen, they still viewed him as the baby.

" Made some bad choices, I was too busy in the streets and I fucked myself up doing shit I ain't have no business doin," He said truthfully looking over at Antonio. " What I'm tryna prevent you from doing. I ain't have nobody tellin me right from wrong back then, all I knew was wrong,"

Antonio nodded listening to Joseph talk.

" I know I be talkin shit but you got talent kid, you can really make it somewhere wit that jumper. The streets gone get you no where but killed or locked up, you got two women at home who need you," He continued.

" You're successful though," Antonio commented.

Joseph shrugged, taking a sip of his water. " Not the way I wanted to be. I bumped my head a lot to get to where I'm at, you don't gotta go through all that to achieve your dreams if you stay out the way and stay focused on your craft,"

Antonio paused for a moment before looking over at Joseph. " Unique came to my school," He admitted.

" Yo sister told me," Joseph responded.

" Is that why you brought me out here?"

" Part of it, and to show you you still can't guard me," Joseph snickered making Antonio kiss his teeth. " What he was talkin bout?"

" He just told me that you told him I was out the game and he said he wasn't mad but I should've told him myself because that's what real men do,"

Joseph mentally rolled his eyes listening to Antonio speak. " What else he say?"

" He was asking how I knew yo-,"

" What you tell him?" Joseph asked, interrupting him.

" You date my sister,"

Joseph clenched his jaw. He wish Antonio didn't say anything but he didn't know any better. Joseph knew what Unique was trying to do, trying to prey on Antonio and manipulate him because he was on the weaker side and get information out of him. Unique was playing a dangerous game.

Antonio observed the look on Joseph's face.

" Was I not supposed to say that..?"

" Na but you ain't know, it's coo. I want you to stay away from him you hear me? Don't talk to him, don't go around him, none of that. He's not good people," Joseph said sternly looking Antonio directly in his eyes.

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