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Joseph flipped through a stack of assorted bills before picking out three crisp hundred dollar bills and handed them to the chef. " Appreciate you for coming on such short notice," He said, shaking the man's hand.

" Of course, I hope she likes it. Merry Christmas," He said.

Joseph nodded watching the chef he'd hired get onto the elevator and leave. After the doors closed Joseph began plating the spread of breakfast foods for him and Grace to eat— Belgium waffles, fluffy eggs, breakfast potatoes, turkey bacon and an assortment of fruit on a platter. The breakfast wasn't super complicated and surely Joseph could've made it if he tried but he wasn't the best in the kitchen and rather not leave a sour taste in Graces mouth before proposing to her.

He'd gotten up a little earlier than normal as he had to meet his personal shopper to retrieve the gifts he had her pick out for Grace and had them all arranged and stacked neatly in the living room for her to wake up to. A fluffy blanket of snow covered the streets outside as it snowed lightly— the perfect Christmas weather. Today was the day Joseph was going to propose and he was excited. He could hardly sleep last night, the only thing on his mind was the expression and smile on Graces face when he presented her with the ring.

Grace was everything Joseph had ever wanted in a woman. He didn't know a love so raw and pure until her. This was the best way he could think of to thank her for always being so real and loyal.

Joseph chuckled to himself thinking about how he could barely stand Grace a year ago— how he found her annoying and now here he was about to do something he never thought he'd do in a million years for any woman. He balanced both trays in each hand as he walked slowly and carefully down the hall towards their room where she was still sound asleep. Pushing the door open with his foot, he walked over to the bed and sat both trays down.

" I was wondering where you were," Grace mumbled groggily with her eyes still closed taking Joseph by surprise. Slowly her brown eyes fluttered open, first fixing themselves on Joseph and then the trays of food on the bed followed by the sweet scent of waffles and maple syrup awakening her sense of smell.

" I was tryna surprise you," He chuckled.

She smiled sitting up seeing the food, her black satin slip dress hanging off her right shoulder. " Who made this?" Grace asked, her stomach grumbling hungrily as she looked at the delicious breakfast spread.

Joseph kissed his teeth. " How you know I didn't make it?"

Grace stared at him with a flat expression. " Because the condo isn't on fire right now," She jested.

Joseph chuckled sitting on the bed next to her. " You right, I hired a chef. I could've made it for you but I wanted you to be able to actually enjoy the food,"

Grace smiled warmly pecking his lips. " You're so sweet to me baby," She said, her eyes exuding love as she looked at him.

Joseph picked up a strawberry and tried to feed it to her but she burst into a fit of laughter at his romantic gesture. " Babe what is going on. You don't do stuff like this, why are you trying to be all romantic this morning," She asked, squinting her eyes at him.

" What I can't be romantic wit my woman?" He asked, scrunching up his face.

" You don't ever feed me," She giggled.

" Thats a lie. I feed you some of my noodles whenever I make some now bite this strawberry," He demanded playfully holding it up to her lips. Grace tried to suppress her laughter as she bit the red berry making Joseph laugh and shake his head. " You don't take shit serious,"

" Okay okay I'm sorry do it again," She covered her mouth as she laughed before straightening up her smile and trying to be serious.

" No, you ruined it. Look at you, you still laughing," He said, playing embarrassed.

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