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" How long is this supposed to take," Emily asked the doctor and anesthesiologist as she stroked Graces head.

Today her doctors made the decision at 8am they would be reversing the anesthesia and waking Grace up due to how well her body had been healing and responding. It had been a few hours since successfully completing the reversal.

" It just depends on her," The doctor said looking over her vitals. " It takes a few hours sometimes for patients to wake up, we just have to continue pushing her body towards becoming awake and alert," The doctor said taking a pen from his lab coat pocket.

He lifted up the sheet revealing her foot and began to poke the bottom of it with his pen, checking her face for a response. The doctor placed his pen back into his pocket before pinching her leg.

Grace furrowed her brows, twitching her head making Emily stand up immediately.

" Did you see that!" She gasped. " She moved her face,"

" Good, that means she felt that and her brain is registering pain,"

The doctor recovered her leg. " Grace, this is Dr. Gosling, can you hear me?" He said, writing things down into her chart. " Grace it's time to wake up," He continued to speak.

Emily squeezed Graces hand firmly, but gently as the doctor spoke to her. She watched anxiously as Graces eyes moved around before her lids slowly started to flutter open.

" Oh thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus," Emily said kissing Graces hand in relief.

Grace looked around calmly.

Dr. Gosling smiled, looking up from his clip board. " Nice of you to join us Grace, how do you feel?" He asked taking out a small light and shining it in her eyes.

He snapped his fingers by her ears watching her eyes dart side to side, following the sound.

" Why isn't she talking?" Emily asked concerned. " Is that normal?"

" Give her a second. She seems to be responding well right now but we still need to run some tests on her brain to make sure there's no internal issues we can't see,"

" Gracie, mommy is here baby,"

Grace looked calmly at Emily squeezing her moms hand back. Nurses came in and whisked Grace away to run tests before bringing her back. Emily continued to talk and caress her daughters head for the next hour as she fell in an out of sleep waiting for the doctor to come back.

" So good news, everything looks okay with her MRI, we don't see anything abnormal," Dr. Gosling said, reentering her room.

Grace woke back up at the sound of his voice. The doctor pulled up a chair next to her and rested his elbows on his knees.

" Grace I need you to try and speak for me okay? I have some questions to ask you,"

Grace nodded slowly.

" Say okay for me," The doctor responded.

" O-okay," She said in a raspy voice.

" Do you know where you are?" He asked, pulling a pen from his coat and grabbing his clipboard.

" No,"

" You're in St. Iverson hospital, you got shot,"

She didn't react much to his statement making the doctor twist his lips to the side.

" What is your name?" He asked.

" Grace Jones,"

" Good," He smiled. " How old are you?"

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