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" G where are you?" Prie asked in a demanding tone, checking on the greens.

" I'm coming! The roads are icy jeez," Grace mumbled into the phone.

" Girl you was supposed to have been here, the ball finna drop in an hour,"

" I had a test to turn in before midnight, can you give me a break I'll be there in five minutes," Grace said before hanging up.

Turning onto her God mother's block, she furrowed her brows seeing cars all up and down the street, no parking. After driving around a little she found a spot and made her way to her God moms house— the only house that seemed alive on the street. The windows were lit up and music could be heard coming from the house with people walking in and out.

Prie threw a New Year's Eve "get together" every year at her moms house. Pries mom was always the cool mom, she was more friends with Prie than a mother and would usually attend but this year Prie and Graces mom went somewhere tropical to bring in the new year.

" Excuse me," Grace mumbled walking past people sitting on the porch smoking.

That was one thing her God mom didn't play, don't smoke in her house. It was like ten degrees and people were still sitting on the steps smoking.

" Hey sis," Prie greeted as she walked in.

Grace looked around at all the people instantly feeling social anxiety.

" I thought this was supposed to be a little get together," Grace muttered, following Prie into the kitchen.

" You know my shit ain't never little I don't know why you still believe me," Prie laughed grabbing an alcohol bottle and a cup and pouring Grace a drink.

Prie was very popular growing up, and having lived in the same house on the same block her whole life she knew a lot of people and a lot of people knew her.

" You hungry? Fix you something to eat," She said before walking off to go micro manage something.

" Haven't seen you in a while,"

Grace looked up from her phone seeing one of Pries friend, Keesha, come into the kitchen for another drink. " You look cute," She said snarky like, looking Grace up and down.

" Thank you," Grace said simply, returning her attention back to her phone.

Keesha was an undercover hater for a lack of better words. She said slick shit in the disguise of compliments and was very messy. Grace had never been too fond of her growing up. Keesha especially used to pick with Grace the most because of how sweet she was, but now being a twenty-two year old woman, she wasn't going for it anymore.

" I see you still got that same little attitude," Keesha said.

" Shorty got us off 161st street, geekin," Dre mumbled as him and Joseph walked up to the house. " I got my fire on me though," He smirked.

" Hey baby!" Prie beamed seeing Dre walk in leaving someone mid conversation. " Uh uh, why you bring this muthafucka," She stopped in her tracks pointing at Joseph with one hand and placing the other on her hip.

" Relax," Dre mumbled scoping out the party bringing Prie into a hug.

She furrowed her brows feeling something hard in his waistband. " You got your gun on you?"

Dre smacked his lips looking at her with a 'duh' expression. " You know where we at?"

" Boy ain't nobody on shit in here, they know I don't play that,"

" And you," She said turning to Joseph. "I told you if you fuck with my sister you was gone have to see me didn't I?"

" We made up last night, we straight," He smirked throwing his arm around Pries shoulder leaning on her.

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