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" Look what the cat done drug in," Prie mumbled seeing Grace walk into the gym late to their work out session with sunglasses pulled over her eyes and a pink yoga mat tucked under her arm.

Her keys dangled from her fingers while she walked.

Grace mustered up a sarcastic smile rolling her mat out and sitting next to Prie. They got together atleast a few times a week to exercise and spend time together.

" I feel terrible,"

" You look terrible, here drink this," Prie said handing her her jug full of lemon water.

Grace drank some setting it back down.

" You was fucked up last night, I don't know why you drank that much in the first place knowing damn well you not a drinker like that,"

Grace shrugged as she began to stretch.

Don't get her wrong, Grace loved a cocktail or two.. or three, with dinner but taking shots and drinking straight liquor? That wasn't her.

Prie eyed her God sister while they started to do a few yoga poses.

" How have you been, you know, mentally?" Prie asked, squinting her eyes.

It had been two months since Grace was attacked and she hadn't spoken much on it. In fact, she acted like it never happened which was worry some to Prie. Grace was a very strong woman, but regardless of how strong a person is, you'll need help to get through something like that.

" I'm fine why?" Grace asked pulling her arm over her head and stretching it.

" You never talk much about what happened and I get worried about you sometimes. I know you studying to be a psychologist or whatever but even they need help sometimes too. You didn't act like yourself last nigh-,"

Growing irritated by her statement Grace immediately shut it down.

" Because I don't need to talk about it, I'm fine. I was just having fun last night and got too carried away that's all," She said harshly.

Prie closed her mouth and nodded slowly. The two continued to work out in silence. Grace instantly felt bad for the tone she used with her sister.

She cleared her throat as she crossed her legs and stretched her hips.

" So what did you and Dre do last night?"

" Played chess,"

Grace furrowed her brows slightly confused by the statement.

" We fucked bitch what else you think we did,"

" Prie," Grace gasped as the vulgarity of her comment.

" Bitch we are grown," Prie laughed. " I got some of that gangsta dick and went home,"

Grace was never the sexual type. She was more timid and shy when it came to the topic. Grace had never really had a genuine interest in sex as every time she'd engaged in it, it was never fulfilling. She never got that urge or want for it like she heard her friends speak of when they divulged in their juicy secrets with one another.

She'd only ever had one sexual partner her whole life and it was never really pleasurable for her. It seemed as if it was almost a chore she had to do to keep him satisfied. Grace felt as if she was just an instrument to her ex so he could get his rocks off. As soon as he was finished it was over, and that didn't take long at all. She never got to experience what it felt like to climax or to be caressed and loved like how her friends would describe so it became something she didn't care too much for.

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