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Joseph exhaled theatrically draping his toned tattooed arm over his face as his chest heaved up and down. Grace soothingly rubbed his chest with her small hands from where she sat straddling him. She could slowly feel his manhood going limp inside her.

" That lil pussy got some power fasho," He mumbled, uncovering his face and dropping his arm down onto the bed dramatically. " You got the best pussy I ever had in my life. You wonder why I can't get enough of you," Joseph said with a smirk, gripping her bare ass and squeezing it roughly.

Grace smiled shyly shaking her head. " Whatever,"

Joseph kissed his teeth. " Word to my moms you do,"

" Do not put that on your mother," Grace laughed.

Joseph grinned shrugging his broad shoulders. " I ain't lyin,"

Grace rolled her eyes playfully removing her hands from his chest and cupping both sides of his hairy cheeks gently, leaning down and planting a tender kiss upon his lips. Both of his big hands found their way to her hips rubbing circular motions into them. She lifted her head up some from his lips, their noses only a millimeter apart as her brown orbs darted around his face adoring him while a small smile tugged at her full pink lips. Her loose curls fell over her left shoulder, her head slightly tilted to the side as she stared down at him, still holding his face.

" Whats on your mind?" He asked, his tone low, almost a whisper as he looked back at her.

His hands continued to rub her ass in circular motions, occasionally sliding down her smooth  thighs and back up to her butt again. The sun was slowly beginning to peak in between the black out curtains as it came up and illuminated the early morning sky, shedding a little light into their dark room.

" You're so handsome," She cooed softly, rubbing his cheek with her manicured thumb, kissing his lips again softly. Joseph was perfect in every way to Grace. He was the epitome of everything she wanted in a man. She absolutely adored him. " I never knew I could love someone so much," Grace said with a simper.

He wrapped his strong arms around her gently pulling her naked body down onto his. She buried her face into his neck inhaling the clean musky scent of his shower gel as he ran his finger tips tenderly up and down her back while they lay comfortably in silence. His arms were her favorite place to be, comforting and secure. The sound of her alarm going off on her phone halted their intimate moment. Grace let out a little groan, sitting up and snatching her phone off the nightstand and turning off the annoying alarm.

Joseph gave her butt a little tap. " Go get ready,"

" I don't want to," She whined, climbing off him. " I want to go back to sleep I'm tired,"

" You shoulda stayed sleep till it was time to get up. Nobody told you to wake up and fuck me like that,"

" I was hornyyyy," She whined dramatically.

He chuckled shaking his head. " Fuck you was dreamin about that had you wakin up like that?"

" Michael B. Jordan," Grace joked, looking over her shoulder from where she sat at the edge of the bed to see his reaction.

" I will beat you and Michael B. Jordan ass," Joseph scoffed, snatching the duvet and covering his naked body. " mIcHeAl b. JoRdAn," He mocked under his breath, kissing his teeth.

Grace giggled. " Babe I'm just kidding,"

" Yea ight. Play wit me if you want to. Hand me the remote,"

" Please," Grace said, grabbing the remote and holding it up in her hand.

" I said hand me the remote,"

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