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" Wouldn't this be cute babe?" Grace asked looking at baby clothes. " Look how tiny!"

Grace held up some newborn onesies for Joseph to see.

" Bae I see, I've seen every one you've shown me," Joseph groaned tired of shopping. " We supposed to be finding you something to wear for your graduation, not clothes for the baby,"

" Well excuse me for being excited to be an auntie," Grace mumbled putting it back.

" I know you excited but chill," He laughed, wrapping his arm around her neck as they walked. " You got baby fever or something?"

" I think I might," Grace laughed looking up at him. " It's just so exciting, it's new life. Especially because we thought I was the one that was going to be having kids, not Prie. I'm just really happy for her,"

" You gone be a great auntie, and you gone be an even better mom," He said in her ear making Grace smile.

" You think so?"

Joseph nodded, kissing the side of her face. " Now come on and let's find something to wear so we can go practice making babies,"

Grace rolled her eyes smacking his arm as they looked around in Neiman Marcus.

" This is cute," Grace said, picking up a Bottega Veneta dress.

She was set to graduate early in just two weeks and she was so excited. Right in time for summer to take a trip and celebrate.

" Oop," Grace said looking at the price tag and hanging the dress back up.

" What?" Joseph asked looking up from his phone.

" It's way more than I wanted to spend on a dress, I'm going to find another one,"

" Grab it," He nodded towards it.

" No ba-,"

" Grab it, I'll pay for it,"

" It's too much for a dress, really,"

He ignored her and grabbed it himself. " Come on,"

" Lovely choice," The cashier said carefully wrapping the designer dress and bagging it. " Your total comes out today to $6,300.50"

Grace chewed her lip looking at Joseph for his reaction. He simply grabbed his card out of his pocket and swiped it, paying for it.

" Baby that was a lot," Grace said as they got back in the car feeling buyers remorse for him.

" Why you still talking about the price of that dress, clearly I don't care. You only graduate once. Where you wanna eat I'm hungry," He grumbled.

" Mcallisters, I want a sandwich,"

Grace dipped her Mcallisters club into her honey mustard before taking a bite as she sat across from Joseph while they ate.

" You know my family is going to be at my graduation right?" She asked. " My parents and my brother,"

" So," He said nonchalantly.

" You're not nervous to meet them or anything? We've never really talked about that before,"

He shook his head. " Na,"

" Well I was thinking, maybe we should go to my parents house so you guys can meet first before my graduation so it's not so rushed and awkward you know?"

" The only person it's gone be awkward for is you, I'm chillin. But if that's what you want to do we can baby," He said, stuffing some chips into his mouth.

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