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" Slow down," Prie huffed. " You're walking too fast,"

Grace giggled slowing down, turning around to see how far back Prie was. They were shopping for the finishing touches for Pries baby shower that was in just a few days.

" Is he heavy?"

Prie smacked her lips. " Is he? He literally feel like he finna fall out," She groaned.

" Fall out?"

" Yes girl, the doctor said he's head first now,"

" How do you feel about being a mom in a few weeks?" Grace asked, pushing the cart.

Prie shrugged. " I don't know, I feel like it will finally set in when he's actually here,"

" Are you scared to give birth?"

" Bitch hell yea!" Prie exclaimed making Grace laugh. " I done gained almost one hundred pounds, his little ass finna come out big and rip my coochie I just know it. And Dre got a fat ass head too," She mumbled making Grace laugh and shake her head.

" Blue plates?" Grace asked, holding up blue paper plates.

Prie nodded and she tossed them into the cart.

" Joseph asked me to move in with him,"

" What you say?" Prie asked.

" I said yes, I'm already at his place all the time anyways," Grace shrugged. " Sometimes I do wonder if we're moving too fast though,"

" Too fast? Y'all been messin with each other for almost a year, how slow is you tryna go? Just don't do what I did, that was fast. I was so sick when I found out I was pregnant. I was like DAMN this nigga got me,"

Grace laughed. " You're right,"

" This is your first serious serious relationship so you don't have anything to go based off. But I love how much Joseph loves you, it makes me happy to see you so happy and treated well because that's what you deserve. You deserve a love like that," Prie said making Grace smile.

" And from what I can tell from when I first met him, you've changed him a lot too. He used to be an asshole and I didn't like him I ain't gone lie," She continued.

" He wasn't mean to me," Grace chuckled.

" Yea because he liked you," Prie rolled her eyes.

" So what makes your club different from all the rest?" James, a well known financial investor asked.

He co owned two other really successful and popular clubs in the city. After finding the perfect location, Joseph and Dre set up a meeting to pitch their idea to him in hopes of him taking the bait because in reality they didn't really need his money, they just needed him as a cover.

" Because I'm already invested in two other locations what would be the point in putting money into something I already have going on you know?" He continued, crossing his leg over the other one and folding his hands in his lap.

Joseph looked over at Dre for an answer. He didn't have the power of persuasion like Dre did, he preferred to use force when getting someone to do something he wanted but he couldn't do that in this situation.

" Agreed," Dre said nodding. " But what you don't yet have, is what I'm about to propose. A two in one club and restaurant,"

Joseph pursed his lips together glancing over at Dre.

'This nigga just be sayin anything' He thought.

That was not at all what they'd discussed but James had a point. If they wanted his partnership they had to bring something he didn't have to the table.

" A two in one restaurant and club?" James asked, furrowing his brows not yet convinced.

" Yea," Dre nodded confidently. " What's the one thing you want after a night out? Food," He answered himself. " Not many places are open at three or four in the morning where people can go to get something to eat,"

Joseph raised his brow nodding and thinking it over. Dre was definitely onto something.

" So what are you saying, like a twenty-four hour restaurant?" James asked.

" Why not. And during the night, we open the upstairs for the party. Perfect for people who want to celebrate specials events with a dinner downstairs and a section upstairs, bottle service, hostings, themed nights like R&B nights where we play throw back music only,"

James nodded rubbing his chin. " A restaurant and club is a big investment to invest in at once, and if this flops I'd be taking a big loss gentlemen," He said looking between Dre and Joseph.

" But with your connections and our vision I really think we could make this work and bring something different to the table,"

" I hope you're right Dre because if so this place will bring in a lot of money and I want parts,"

Dre grinned grabbing James extended hand, shaking it firmly.

" You must be a man of very few words but I like your business face," James said, turning to Joseph and shaking his hand. " I will have my lawyer write up a contract and get it sent over to you Monday. I look forward to working with you guys,"

" A restaurant and a club," Joseph said, turning to Dre as James left. " You really out did yoself wit this one,"

" Nigga we needed something and yo ass wasn't saying nothing,"

" The fuck you want me to say? This was your idea," Joseph laughed shaking his head. " Now we got to pull this shit off,"

" We got this, that was the hardest part. You heard what the man said, if we can get this rockin we gone make a lot of money, legal money," Dre reminded, pointing his finger at Joseph.

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