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" Just one more store," Grace said, holding onto Joseph's hand as they walked through the outlets.

" Bae I'm hungry and I'm ready to go and my arm hurt you got me carrying all these bags," Joseph grumbled.

" Babe Gucci is right there and we can go,"

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" Babe Gucci is right there and we can go,"

He smacked his lips following Grace into the store. Whatever to make her happy. They'd decided on a little shopping excursion today and a lunch date after. Not wanting anything, Joseph took a seat in the store and watched as Grace shopped around. She didn't need him for anything, she already had his card in her purse.

" Grace?"

Grace turned with a bag in her hand seeing her friend Isys.

" Isys," Grace smiled. " How are you?" She asked giving Isys a hug. She hadn't seen her since their dinner date together when Joseph kidnapped her from the restaurant.

" I'm good, how are you?" She asked.

They were both equally shocked to see each other, Grace shopping in Gucci and Isys working in Gucci.

" I'm good!" Grace said sweetly. " Just having a little shopping day with my boyfriend,"

Grace turned around to point him out instead seeing Joseph outside of the store talking on his phone. Isys stared at him with a brow raised.

" I didn't know you worked here," Grace said.

" Yea I just started a couple weeks ago,"

Feeling a little awkward, she held the purse up. " I want this,"

Isys nodded and disappeared into the back. Grace felt a strange vibe coming from Isys, they used to be relatively close but the interaction they just had together felt weird. Grace set the display purse back down and walked to the counter where Isys got her new purse together.

" You find what you wanted?" Joseph asked, coming up behind her and kissing her on the cheek.

" Yes," She smiled, swiping his card.

Isys stared at Joseph making him give her a mug.

" And give me my card back too," He said.

" I'll think about it," She smiled, tucking it back into her purse.

" Thank you, I'm going to text you so we can catch up!" Grace said before taking Joseph's hand as they left the store.

" You have fun spending all my money?" Joseph asked jokingly as they looked over the menu of the restaurant they'd chosen for lunch.

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