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" This is what you wanted right?" Max asked with a psychotic smile, looking at Joseph after he'd just revealed a man bound to a chair with his hands behind his back, badly beaten.

" This one of the muthafuckas that killed your parents, this is what you wanted right?" He asked again.

Joseph stared at the man. His left eye was swollen shut and bruised, dried blood covered his face and stained his tattered and dirty shirt. Duct tape was wrapped tightly around his mouth. If it was wrapped half a centimeter higher he would've suffocated to death. The man tilted his head back, lifting his chin as if to show he wasn't afraid, glaring at Joseph not making a sound. Not fighting or even begging for his life.

The gun in Joseph's right hand that hung to his side seemed to get heavier and heavier the longer he stared at the man.

" This what you been wanting for the longest right? You wanted get back for you parents right? So now is your chance," Max egged on Joseph.

Joseph was only fifteen. He didn't know what he wanted. Of course he said he wanted revenge for his parents, he wanted to do this that and the third to the people that took them from him, but he didn't mean it. He was just a child.

" Kill him," Max demanded.

Joseph's heart threatened to beat out of his chest.

" Hold yo gun up how I taught you! Don't be scared now!"

Joseph raised the gun, clenching his jaw as he saw the panic instantly show in the mans eyes.

" Don't show no mercy, they didn't show you none, pull it!" Max yelled.

Joseph squeezed his eyes shut pulling the trigger at the same time. The gun kicked back aggressively, tossing a hot shell onto his upper arm which he quickly shook off so it wouldn't burn his skin.

Max laughed with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, clapping his hands as he walked over taking the gun from Joseph. Joseph stayed silent, staring at the lifeless man who was slumped over in the seat. The only thing keeping him upright was the fact that he was tied to the chair.

The sound of his blood hitting the dusty concrete made a splattering noise as it pooled under his drooping body.

" I'm proud of you," Max said, wrapping his arm around Joseph. " You handled that like a man. A real man doesn't show remorse or fear," He coached, holding Joseph by his shoulders as he looked him in his eyes.

Joseph suddenly jolted awake as his chest heaved up and down, looking around his dark room. Feeling Joseph jerk, Grace turned over listening to him breath heavily.

" Are you okay?" She asked sleepily.

He looked over at her nodding, wiping his hand down his face.

" What's wrong?" She asked, cuddling up next to him.

His skin was cold yet clammy.

" Bad dream," He said simply still trying to control his breathing.

Grace put her leg on him and held his face, caressing his hairy cheek with her thumb.

" It's okay," She said softly, falling back asleep.

Joseph slowly started to relax under her gentle touch. She was the only one that could soothe him like that, she was the only place he felt safe. It had been a while since Joseph had had a nightmare, but none of his nightmares were truly nightmares. They were all situations that really happened that just ended up haunting him over the years.

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