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Dre raised his arms and held them at his side as he let himself get frisked by two bald men dressed in expensive suits. He held an irritated expression on his face, cocking his head to the side as they checked him for weapons. Dre had been working for Santiago for years, but even so, you could never be too careful in this game. After all, he did kill his own father for a seat at the head of his empire.

" Aye! You just grabbed my nuts you gay ass nigga," Dre jumped, dogging the guard.

They pushed the double french doors of one of Santiago's many homes open, allowing Dre to enter.

He sat in his living quarters in front of a lit fire, smoking a cigar. Santiago was the son of the late Hector Azul—A New York legend who ran with the likes of Pablo Escobar and Griselda Blanco. With direct connections to Columbia he was the only supplier that was able to get his hands on the purest of pure Cocaine, curated on coca plant farms deep in the Colombian jungles creating a multi million dollar empire spanning from New York to Miami, and even California.

" Andre," Santiago smiled rising out of his chair to greet Dre. " Please have a seat,"

Dre took a seat in the leather chair opposite of him. He looked around at all the security in the room with a mug. Santiago waved his hand dismissing the armed guards so it was only them two in the room. " I heard you wanted to speak with me,"

" Yea I got a business proposition,"

" I don't take business propositions," Santiago said harshly, pouring a glass of alcohol for himself before leaning back in his seat and crossing his legs. " But from you, I'll listen,"

He took sips of the dark liquor, resting his crystal glass on the arm of the chair.

Dre nodded. " I know the Italians been doing all the heavy lifting for you, but what if I told you I can do more than them. I have access to trucks, bigger trucks, that can bring more in. They're licensed with licensed CDL drivers, everything's legit,"

Santiago cut his eyes.

" What's in it for you,"

" Discounted product prices, that's all,"

Santiago nodded slowly as if he were thinking.

" And how do you think the Italians would feel if they knew you were trying to take money out of their pockets?"

Dre sat quietly for a moment before chuckling.

" Quite frankly I don't give a fuck, business is business,"

Santiago looked at Dre with a flat expression and then cracked a smile.

" This is why I like you Andre, you're one crazy mutherfucker," He pointed his finger at Dre with a crooked smile. " You better not fuck with me or I will let the Italians know who put them out of business,"

Santiago extended his hand out for Dre. They shook hands sealing the deal.

" Now get out,"

Dre held his phone to his ear as he walked back to his car to leave, waiting for Joseph to pick up.

" Yo," Joseph answered.

" It's a go, we in Avant tonight to celebrate,"

" Aye, aye, aye!" Everyone at the bar cheered on Prie, Graces God sister, as she danced goofily.

Prie and Grace both burst out into a fit of laughter as Prie tried to catch her breath from dancing.

" On me babes," The bartender said, setting down a round of Casamigos shots taking one off the counter for himself.

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