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Joseph scrunched up his face reaching around above his head for the gun that was dropped as the breath he was holding in was running out. The man sitting on top of him squeezed his hands around Joseph's throat tighter and tighter in an attempt to strangle him to death as blood from a wound that Joseph had caused to his head dripped onto Joseph's face.

Joseph's finger tips brushed against the cool steel of the gun. Using the last bit of strength that he had as he began to start losing consciousness, he grabbed the heavy HK45 pistol and slammed it into the mans head, knocking him off his chest.

Joseph coughed violently, taking big breaths as air rushed back into his lungs, replenishing his bodies need for oxygen. Swiftly getting to his feet before the man could stand again, he aimed the decocked pistol at him before silently cursing to himself seeing that it was empty. He swung it instead, striking the man over the head again with the gun, knocking him back to the ground.

Quickly, he leapt onto the man and began beating him over the head repeatedly with the gun. Blood splattered on Joseph as he disfigured the mans face sending blow after blow, raising the gun over his head and striking him with full force.

" Jo! Jo stop we gotta go!" Dre yelled frantically, running into the room after fighting off a man himself.

They'd been sent on a job that had gone terribly wrong. Dre was sent by Max to handle a big sell, three kilos— a street value of $60,000, to new buyers and brought Joseph along as back up. Instead of purchasing the drugs, the men attempted to rob them.

A big rule of thumb in the drug trade, never make large sales to new buyers. Buyers have to establish buying history from connects to make a big purchase like that, but Max was money hungry and he sent his boys on a dummy mission.

Joseph gritted his teeth as he continued to beat the man until his body flopped lifelessly with each blow. Anger mixed with adrenaline coursed through Joseph's veins, all he could see was red. He didn't have a stopping mechanism in his body, much like a pitbull when they bite and their jaws lock— he was going to keep bludgeoning the man until his brains popped out.

Hearing police sirens close in on the building, Dre grabbed Joseph by his shirt roughly in an attempt to get him to stop so they could escape.

" Nigga we got to go! Leave him!" Dre exclaimed, turning around quickly as police busted into the building but Joseph wouldn't budge.

Joseph didn't leave people for dead, he left when they were dead. 

Kissing his teeth Dre grabbed the drugs and ran out of a side door evading police. He didn't want to leave his cousin behind but if he stayed he'd get hemmed up too.

" NYPD DROP THE WEAPON AND SHOW US YOUR HANDS!" An officer yelled, pulling his gun and aiming it at Joseph's back.

Clenching his jaw he stared down at the man who's face he'd just turned to mush as his chest heaved up and down. Dropping the gun onto the hardwood floor, he slowly raised his hands, interlocking his fingers behind his head.

" STAND UP AND TURN AROUND NOW!" The officer instructed, still aiming his gun at Joseph.

Several other officers had come to their colleagues aid. Doing as told, Joseph rose to his feet, turning around with a demonic grin on his face. Blood splattered his white t-shirt and freckled his smooth caramel skin. The officers shuddered in fear at the grizzly sight.

" What the fuck," One of the officers muttered seeing the mans almost lifeless body on the ground.

His face was beaten so badly that his orbital socket was broken and his eye hung out. Feeling sick, one of the officers ran out of the building to puke at the sight.

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