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Hey y'all! First i want to say thanks for all the love 🥺 seeing how much u guys are loving the story encourages me to keep writing more.

VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW ME! I love interacting w y'all and reading y'all's comments and messages! ❤️Gang shit

Ight now for the update lol


" I come in peace," Max said with a grin, holding his hands up as he approached Unique and a few members of his crew inside a restaurant that his grandmother owned.

Uniques men stood up, pulling their guns out instantly recognizing Max. Even though he wasn't in the game like he used to be, everyone still knew who he was. He was Mr. Sheisty before Pooh knew he was sheisty. There were no limits that Max wouldn't go to get what he wanted.

" You lost or somethin?" Unique asked.

" Na I'm lookin for you, ain't seen you since you was runnin the D-line back on 137th street," Max chuckled. " You've come a long way since then,"

" Fuck you want old man, I ain't tryna chop it up with you," Unique spat.

" Can you let me sit? My knees goin a little bad,"

Unique glared at Max before telling his men to stand down. Max slid into the booth across from him.

" I'm sorry to hear about your brother, Romeo was it?" Max started.

" Tread lightly nigga, I'll spill you right here for what yo son did. You lucky my granny in the back right now,"

" Whoa, relax Nique," Max chuckled holding his hands up. " We on the same side now. We got some things in common,"

" Fuck you talkin about?" Unique asked, confused.

" You want get back, I want my business back," He said smoothly with a shrug. " I figured we could work together, you scratch my back I scratch yours,"

" Thought yo sons was runnin shit?" Unique asked, cocking his head to the side. " You tryna snake yo own kids?"

" This shit is business, it ain't nothin personal," Max replied coldly.

" Just one more, don't be a pussy!" Prie egged Grace on.

" I'm literally not drinking all of these, you're trying to kill me on my own birthday!" Grace exclaimed, looking at the row of twenty three shots Prie and Jacob had set up for her. " That is what kidney failure looks like,"

Grace had only drunk five of the twenty three and had the sixth one in her hand.

" Just one more pussy!"

Grace rolled her eyes playfully, tossing the tequila shot back and instantly scrunching up her face and shaking her head. " I'm done! No more!"

Prie was hosting Graces birthday in the backyard of her and Dre's home and got everyone together to celebrate.

" Y'all tryna make her drink all that knowin damn well she finna be passed out on a couch somewhere in thirty minutes," Joseph said coming up behind Grace wrapping his arm around her neck.

" I don't care, she gone be your problem not mine!" Prie snickered, taking one of the shots.

" I feel like I'm going to throw up," Grace groaned feeling her stomach burn.

" Girl don't start that shit," Prie waved her off making Grace laugh.

" Grace!!!" Cori yelled as she came in through the gate with Isys behind her.

" Cori!" Grace yelled back slipping from Joseph's embrace and hugging her friends.

Cori held up a Neiman Marcus gift bag.

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