The devil himself

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"The old you"I muttered under my breath and looked to my feet,at this point in time they looked more interesting than to look into the eyes of 'Lord Voldemort'.I didn't even hear his footsteps on the wooden floor but seconds later delicate fingers went under my chin and lifted it up so that my eyes would meet Toms.Without speaking a word we passed a thousand words to each other.

"The old me?"He asked his voice barely above a whisper,it had a soft tone to it,unusual for the Tom I had grown accustomed to.I nodded solemnly looking anywhere but at him,I didn't need to look to know that he would have an expressionless face or that his eyes held much more emotion than anyone could ever comprehend because I had seen it all before.

"The old me...never left"My head snapped up causing tears that had been forming in my eyes to drip onto my cheeks.I didn't say anything,I couldn't say anything,but I did let out a sob and began to shake involuntarily.I closed my eyes trying to prevent more tears from falling only to fail miserably and have Tom pull me into his arms comfortingly.

"Oh Clara what are you doing to yourself?"Tom murmured into my hair,we stayed like that for a while and my sobs died down as I buried my head into Toms chest,enjoying the feeling of his fingers running through my hair every so often and hearing his heart beat softly.Upon moving my head from his chest to his shoulder I caught a glimpse of black wild curly hair,Bellatrix,her eyes too were full of tears but she ran away down the corridor,quickly I unattached myself from Tom and ran after her.

"Bella wait!"I yelled only to have someone grab my waist from behind and prevent me from going after her.

"Let her go!Let her go"I sighed and leaned back into Tom once more,turning around in his arms and giving him a weak smile.

"What are we going to do?"He looked as though he was about to answer when Isabella came rushing around the corner beaming,you could almost see the happiness radiating from her as she made her way towards me.

"Clara!Your finally home!You will never guess what the doctor said,he told me that I am going to give birth to a boy!"I smiled at her but didn't feel as though I could share in her excitement,it may have been a long time ago now but I will never forget the moment my first child came into the world,too early,too dependent on me to survive and all thanks to Victoria Clearwater who got away with murder.Nothing had happened to her,yes she had been knocked out and at the time I could not care less if she was dead but unfortunately despite our best efforts she had made it out of the chamber alive and was as far away from death as possible,that seriously bugged me.

"Are you not happy?"Isabella frowned at me bringing me out of my trance,I sent her as much of a  reassuring smile as possible and soon the crinkle in her forehead was gone,she had not suspected anything,how blind was she?Not that I wasn't grateful for her blindness,she wasn't the type of person you tell that sort of thing to. Removing myself from Toms arms I gave him a peck on the cheek and soon enough Isabella had me by the hand dragging me out of the manor and towards the garden.The front double doors were opened and we made our way outside we were met by people from the ministry who had their wands raised,how had they gotten past the death eaters?Just as I thought this I caught sight of unconscious death eaters further up the path.

"Take out your wands and hand them over,we will not harm you if you do as we say!"An older man snapped and I frowned at him hoping that I had really just fallen asleep and non of this was happening.If this was a nightmare it became even worse when a blonde haired women stepped through the four men either side of her.

"Hello,Miss Pevensie"Oh my Lord,no not her,it could not be her,right before my eyes stood what seemed like the devil himself.Victoria Clearwater,the girl I hated throughout the whole of my school years,the girl who had non stop flirted with Tom and the girl who had purposefully killed my child,knowing full well what she was doing.I noticed how she put emphasis on Miss meaning she was happily referring that I was not yet married.

"What are you doing here?!"I wanted to wipe that smirk off her ugly face and watch the light leave her eyes, I would have gone ahead with such a plan if it had not been for the growing number of aurors backing her and the men up.

"You have nowhere to run!Hand yourselves over and we will treat you with the respect you deserve."The Minister of Magic stepped forward through the crowd and Tom did the same through the death eaters who stood around watching,prepared with their wands aimed,if anything were to happen they were ready for it.

"And what makes you think we would do that?!"Tom spat raising his wand,the fight had begun.

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