Foreign visitors

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 Headmaster Dippet came up and stood behind the Podium and everyone automatically turned to him and the great hall fell silent.

"I would like to make an announcement,this castle will not only be home to you this year but home to some very special guests as well,you see Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event the triwizard tournament.Now for those of you that do not know the triwizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests from each school a single student is selected to compete,now let me be clear if chosen you stand alone and trusts me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted.But more of that later for now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladys of the Beaubaxtons Magic and their headmistress Madame Florence."Everyone turned to look as the double doors opened to reveal blue dressed girls with funny little hats.As they came a bit more in they blew kisses to the boys who seemed to be in a daze by it and I rolled my eyes.

They did this a second time on the other bench opposite and yet again the boys fell under their charm it must be some sort of love potion.The girls then ran towards professor Dippet in a very girly way and let blue birds fly everywhere before they moved and let the headmistress Madame Florence through as well as a gymnast and one of the girls who was doing balle,at the end they all bowed and all the boys clapped and whistled where as me and Penelope just sat still as did the other girls but I noticed that Penelope was trying to get a look at someone and then I looked in the direction of her gaze and saw that she was looking at one of the gryffindors, not good what does she think is going to happen some miracle because their certainly wont be not when some Slytherins hold their pride above all else.I looked from the boy in gryffindor back to Penelope and noticed that she was giving me a pleading look she had seen where I had been looking.

"Its not for me to decide"I whispered to her just as the banging of sticks on stone could be heard and when I turned back round it was men with poles who were banging them against the stone floor.After a while they began to swing their poles around expertly before running and doing some backflips while I stood a little as did many other people trying to get a closer look.Just as I sat down again the headmaster of the school and another man came in looking as though they were about to kill someone but when our eyes met the younger man seemed to soften his features a bit and I only looked away when Penelope nudged me.

"What hell you doing?"Penelope hissed from beside me.

"I honestly don't know"I replied as I looked to the front where a fire bird was flying around before it disappeared and professor Dippet hugged both men.The girls from Beaubaxtons  sat with the hufflepuffs and the men sat with the gryffindors as everyone ate the welcoming feast and the teachers talked.

"Your attention please I would like to say a few words,eternal glory that is what awaits the student who wins the triwizard tournament but to do this that student must survive three tasks,three extremely dangerous tasks"Headmaster Dippet said as he unveiled the goblet of fire and a blue flame began to flicker.

"The goblet of fire anyone wishing to submit themselves in the tournament must merely write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night do not do so lightly if chosen their is no turning back as from this moment the triwizard tournament has begun."Headmaster Dippet finished as everyone left the great hall and filed off in groups to their dorms.

"Well that was cheerful"Penelope said from beside me as we followed the group of Slytherins back to the common room.

"Pure bloods"Tom as the prefect of Slytherin had to let everybody in.

"Who do you think will put their name in?"Penelope asked as we walked into the common room.

"I really don't know"I replied and stopped by the fire.

"Clara?"Penelope said just as she reached the girls dormitorys stairs.

"I will come up in a minute"I said and she nodded looking suspicously at me but she knew full well why I was waiting down here.It was not long before all the boys went to their dorms and closed the door leaving the common room silent.I felt arms go around my waist and leaned back into Tom holding his hands.

"Dont put your name in Tom"I said looking at the flames as the danced around the fireplace.

"Why?"He asked his head now rested on my shoulder.

"I dont want you to get hurt"I said and turned round to face Tom still enclosed in his arms.

"I wont dont worry yourself"He said and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before letting go of me and sitting down in the sofa like he always did.

"Dont you think you seemed a little too happy about the boys arriving this evening?"Tom questioned he must have been looking when me and that boy exchanged looks.

"No"I replied sitting down in the small armchair and putting my school bag on the floor.

"So what was that look earlier then?"He continued getting himself a glass of water and swirling it round waiting for me to answer.

"I was merely watching and he just happened to look my way"I said trying desperately to get Tom to see it from my point of view not his which was biased. 

"Thats not what it looked like"Tom replied his black eyes meeting mine after he took a sip of his drink.

"Well then you can choose how to take it because I am going to bed"I hissed grabbing my bag off the floor and rushing up the stairs slamming the door behind me earning myself a bunch of groans like the night before.Why has Tom got to be so jealous and why does it have to be our school which is in the middle of nowhere chosen to be the host of the triwizard tournament we have enough on our hands already?

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