An eventful lesson

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Penelope couldn't seem to stop saying that she had a headache every five seconds as we walked to the forbidden forest for our last lesson of the day care of magical creatures.After listening to one more comment on Penelopes headache I spun round to face her and she looked frightened so I softened my gaze.

"Penelope go get some paracetamol if you have a headache because your giving me one just talking about it!"I snapped at her and she nodded and walked off in shock.I felt a bit guilty for snapping at her but I wasn't in the greatest of moods ever since I took over the care of Toms ring it had an effect on me that I could not explain.

I saw James snicker as Penelope passed him and took my wand out,I was going to sort this out here and now.I stomped over to him my wand raised and he looked fearful of me as he got trapped with his back flat against a rock.

"How dare you!"I hissed and James looked to his friends for help but they didnt move an inch afraid that I would hex them if they did.

"What are you talking about?"He asked innocently.

"Don't use the innocent act on me I know what you did that night,did you purposely lead Penelope on to make her believe that you loved her or was it an accident?"I asked and James tensed.

"I did lead her on yes but that doesn't mean I have to stay by her side all the time!"James raised his voice finding some courage.

"So you admit it you lead Penelope on just to break her heart"I said and James nodded.I moved my wand away from his neck and he snickered as I took a step back and was about to move away.

"Its not like I would care anyway I mean shes just a mudblood she doesn't even belong here"James said to his friends and I by that point had, had enough and spun round on the soles of my shoes and punched him square in the nose causing him to fall to the ground as blood began to seep out.

"Speak about Penelope like that again Potter and you wont be taking another breath"I hissed in his ear crouching beside him before standing and grabbing my bag off of the floor going deeper into the forbidden forest ignoring the little audience that I had that were muttering things.

"Clara!"I heard someone yell behind me but I didn't stop I tried to keep deaf ears to whatever they were saying but failed miserably.

"I saw what you did to my brother"It was Charlus Potter he was a nice enough boy it was just his brother that really got to me and I don't know why today I just lost it.

"Yes and your point is?"I asked continuing to walk as he rushed to stay by my side.

"Will you slow down!"He said clearly out of breath.I stopped to face him letting out an annoyed groan but did stop to listen to what he had to say.

"I saw what you did to my brother and I think you did the right thing"Charlus said and I cocked an eyebrow slightly confused as to why he would back me up.

"What?"I asked bewildered.

"My brother deserved it he can be a real jerk sometimes"Charlus said and I noticed how his  sky blue eyes shone in the last remaining sunlight left at this time of the afternoon which seeped through the tree leaves above but only just.

"Hang on a second your backing me up because you think your brother deserved it?"I asked as a people walked by to gather around the teacher.

"Yes that's exactly what I am doing, see you around!"Charlus said and smiled before walking off to join his friends gathering round the teacher.Penelope came back smiling as I stood in shock debating in my brain as to whether or not a Gryffindor just got along with a Slytherin.

"Are you alright you look like you have just seen a ghost"Penelope said as she stopped beside me and I finally found the will to move.

"Yeah I am fine, is your headache better?"

"Yeah the nurse said I should lay off butter beer for a while though and she said I might be sick for a few days but apart from that I should be fine"

"Good"I replied and we walked over to the rock that we always sat on listening to the teacher as he talked about hippogriffs.Tom came up beside me and leaned against the rock taking my hand in his as I looked down at him and smirked we were both thinking the same thing tonight was the night that Slughorns party was being held and that meant it would be quite eventful.

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