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Later on that day I went to dinner and stayed as long as I could expecting Tom to come along and grab the leftovers,only to be left disappointed as he was nowhere to be seen.I brainstormed places where Tom could be and came up with the idea that he was in the chamber of secrets.I pushed the door open with a creak and stepped inside silently closing it behind me.If anyone was in here I didn't want to draw any attention to myself.I frowned when I heard an annoying sound and listened more closely,it sounded like someone was crying.

"H-hello?"I asked walking towards the cubicles eyeing the sinks which Tom had shown me a few years back. Moaning Myrtle came out of the toilets and my eyes widened.

"Why are you here!Come to throw a book at me for a dare!"She yelled getting right up in my face as I backed away until I was touching the wall.

"No!I was just wondering if you had seen Tom?"Her eyebrows raised and she began to float above me sobbing.

"Funny you should ask really seeming as he is a boy and this is a girls lavatory,unless of course you are referring to him coming in quite frequently and opening those sinks"

"Have you seen him do it?"I asked stepping away from the wall and looking at the long haired girl as she nodded.

"He turns all the taps on,which makes quite a mess really you must tell him to stop doing that,and then he hisses like a snake and it opens a secret door leading to...well I don't know really"Myrtle muttered before staring at me with puppy dog eyes.I walked over to the sinks and turned them all on still feeling the ghosts eyes on me,I turned around and indeed she was still staring at me.

"If you die down there we can be best of friends right?"She asked and I just wanted to leave and so nodded and smiled.

"Sure!"I replied enthusiastically using parseltounge once all the taps were turned on and sure enough one of the sinks fell down to open up a secret door.I took a deep breath and jumped down screaming as I slid down the pipes.With a crash I fell onto something hard,I looked down to what I was lying on to see that it was bones and not just any bones snake and human bones.I quickly got up not taking my eyes off of them and brushed myself off,taking out my wand and muttering Lumos before continuing.

I came to a door and used the same parseltounge password only to find that it didn't work,after several minutes of trying the snakes lining up around the edge of the door began moving to the edge of the circular door.I pulled it open which revealed a big room with lots of water and snake heads carved in stone.What I saw next made my jaw drop and lower my wand.It was Salazar Slytherin,the man that Tom was heir to.I walked along the path getting creeped out by the hissing sounds echoing around me.Once in the middle I stopped and looked around still seeing no sign of Tom.

"Tom!"I yelled and it echoed around the room which made something stir and the ground began to shake.The mouth of Salazar Slytherin opened up revealing a giant basilisk which was coming straight for me.Forgetting just about every defensive spell I had ever been taught I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran for my life.I ran to the door but it was sealed shut,giving up on the run away tactic I turned to face the serpent which was moving fast and opening its mouth ready to swallow me up.A flash of green light came between me and the basilisk and it stopped moving,blinked and looked to Tom who stood heroically with his wand raised.

"Clara stay perfectly still"Tom ordered before saying something in parseltounge to the serpent which looked between him and me,I didn't move a muscle and only dared to breath as the basilisk stared into my eyes but why it wasn't killing me or paralyzing me I didn't know.It turned around and slithered off leaving me with shaky hands by the door until I fell.Tom managed to catch me and moved a stray piece of hair out of my face.

"You could have gotten yourself killed!"He whispered and I smiled cupping his cheek with my hand.

"But I didn't because like always you were there to save the day"I replied bringing my lips to his.

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