Visiting Azkaban ~ Chapter 149

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Not long after Tom had been taken away by Aurors to Azkaban where he would remain until his trial in a few days time, Charlus had taken me and Penelope back to his family's house in Godric's Hollow. They had offered me dinner, which I had refused, then Penelope had suggested that we visit Diagon alley to take my mind off of Tom; which I had also turned down. After hours of trying to get me to talk, Penelope and Charlus headed up to bed, leaving me alone downstairs in their living room, my legs pulled into my chest, and my head resting on my knees as I gazed at the flickering of the small fire Penelope had left me to keep warm. Out of all the times the Aurors had to have captured Tom it had to be now; when we needed each other most to seek the comfort from one another which no one else could offer. The fire slowly died away to embers as the starry early spring night transformed into day, the first sounds of Penelope and Charlus awakening sounding above me. 

The stairs creaked loudly as I made my way upstairs, making for the small guest bedroom I had stayed in before. I turned to shut the door and was greeted by a very sleepy looking Penelope, shivering in the hallway with her nightgown pulled tightly around her small frame. "Good morning...I take it you did not get any sleep" When I shook my head no, she nodded silently, averting her eyes to the floor in thought. "I don't suppose you are feeling hungry" 

"After staying up all night I think I could just do with some sleep, but I will most likely be able to stomach some food later" Penelope's face lit up, by the look's of it, she was pleased that after hours of not speaking to her I had finally said something. "You know, I do believe that is the most you have said to me since you returned" I sent her a weak smile, shutting the door and climbing into the single bed, snuggling into it and after finding Amber's floral shampoo scent still lingering within the pillows, falling asleep. Hours later, I sat up in the bed, Penelope and Charlus' voices echoing up to the room from the kitchen beneath me, along with the smell of cooking food which made my stomach rumble in anticipation. Pushing the covers away from me, I headed downstairs and joined Charlus at the table, who was leant back in his chair reading the daily prophet with such interest that he barely took any notice of my arrival; the only greeting I was to expect from him being a glance over the top of the newspaper at me before his attention returned to the news, Penelope however, seemed determined to get me back to normal as soon as possible. 

" look better! Do you feel any better?" I sighed and shook my head no to which Penelope resumed cleaning up the dishes from the night before. The memory of the previous day's events flooded back, as my eyes wandered over to the front of the newspaper Charlus was reading,  the headline having Tom's name in bold writing just above Hogwarts picture 'He who must not be named found in Hogwart's school grounds'  At the sight of it an idea popped into my head, Azkaban prison now allowed visitors, if I could speak to Tom maybe we could find a way to get him out."I want to go and visit Tom" The newspaper that Charlus had been so absorbed in was flung onto the table in seconds, and Penelope's still soapy hands grasped mine."No, Clara, you can't, you need time to heal and process everything. If you go there now you will only find Tom to be in the same state as you!" I pulled my hands out of hers and stood from the table, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Don't you see? That is exactly the reason why I must go! I need to see Tom just as much as he needs to see me. Now, are either of you going to join me, or am I to take myself to Azkaban?" Penelope stilled, remaining where she was with a worried look on her face, Charlus however, stood from his seat and moved towards me. "I will go with you, if only to prevent you from doing anything you will regret" A grateful smile broke out onto my face, as I flung my arms around Charlus' neck, pulling him into a hug in glee. "When do you want to leave?" Charlus asked, gently pulling away from my embrace. "How about now?" He nodded in agreement and made for the door. "Oh no, you don't. Neither of you are leaving without some food in your bellies!" Penelope called from behind us, placing two bowls of tomato soup onto the table in front of each of our seats. "Eat this, and then you can go" 

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