If you will have me

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The first thing I heard was the clicking of the clock on the bedside table when I woke up.I sat up rubbing my eyes still feeling sleepy until I heard raised voices in one of the rooms.I immediately got out of bed and walked along the corridor barefoot stopping just outside the door to the dining room where the voices were coming from.I don't normally think rationally when I have just woken up and so pushed the door open revealing Mr Collins,Mrs Cole and Martha who was stood awkwardly on the sidelines watching the others argue.There was some social workers sat down in chairs further down the table where as Tom was sat right at the top wearing my necklace,probably to keep it safe.

"What is going on?"I asked since I had everyone's attention.Mrs Cole walked towards me with a smile on her face,I didn't smile back.

"Clara dear we were so worried,we thought you had been kidnapped!"She said turning around to Mr Collins and giving him a look to join in.

"Yes we have missed you not being part of our little family"Mr Collins added stepping towards me.Mrs Cole put her arm around me and I moved away feeling revolted by her touch.The social workers began to write things down on their pads and Mrs Collins gave me a nasty look.

"Miss Clara Pevensie"The social worker began to speak and the room was silent.

"Yes?"I replied stepping forward away from the pair that had kept me locked up in the orphanage.

"You are of now the age 18 am I correct?"

"You are"

"It is in our interest that you receive the best welfare and while we see that you are in good company we are giving you a choice"The social worker smiled sweetly at me as I took a seat opposite her next to Tom.

"And what is that?"

"You can stay here or you can go back with Mr Collins and Mrs Cole to Wool's Orphanage where you will be able to stay well looked after until the age of twenty"I looked to Mrs Cole and Mr Collins who both gave me a stern look but I ignored it and turned my attention back to the social worker.

"I would like to stay here...if Tom will have me"I replied and looked to Tom who smiled and took my hand.

"Well I think we are done here"One of the other social workers exclaimed picking up her bags and beginning to walk out with her heels clicking on the floorboards.

"You mean you are seriously going to let these two children stay here unattended!"Mrs Cole exclaimed sounding angry as the social workers exchanged looks.

"Yes,yes we are you see these two are no longer children therefore by law we must allow them to make their own choices.Good day!"The social workers walked out together leaving us alone in the room.

"How dare you be so rude!18 years we have looked after you both and this is how you repay us!"Mrs Cole hissed and I huffed.

"You mean by looking after us you let us get bullied and eat slop?"I questioned standing up and walking towards her.She seemed afraid of me as I was taller than her and so backed down.

"There is nothing more to be said,I trust that you can see yourself out"Tom ordered them both as they gawped at us.

"Do not think we will forget this!"Mr Collins exclaimed and walked out followed by an angry looking Ms Cole.Once they had left I turned to Tom.

"How long have I been unconscious for?"

"A day but that is all"He replied kissing my forehead before heading towards the door where downstairs his friends could be heard laughing and shouting.


"Yes?"He replied and turned back around to look at me.

"Thank you"

"What for?"He questioned stepping towards me with a frown.

"For helping me make the horcrux I wouldn't have been able to do it without you"

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