Girl to girl ~ Chapter four

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I sat in my room in silence, my door had been left open while I waited for Tom to return from the playground, I had been absentmindedly playing with my yo-yo, my eyes following it as it swung up and down until I heard footsteps coming towards my room. I stood from the bed, which creaked in protest, a smile on my face, any moment now my eyes would meet with Toms black ones; instead, my eyes met with pale grey eyes and long sleek blonde hair, perfectly styled. "Pevensie!"Lily spat, her hands moving to her hips; her whole demeanour oozed confidence, but this time she was alone. 

"What happened to your followers, did they finally see you for what you truly are?" I cocked an eyebrow, spinning my yo-yo back up and placing it onto my shelf as she wittered on in the background. "Actually, they are still down in the playground, I had to leave them there to avoid gathering too much attention...of course, I can still bring them up here if you want" Lily smiled nastily as she glared up at me. I waited a few moments before speaking while a few younger orphans were lead past my room, heading for the playroom with one of the members of staff clutching to their small hands, holding them back as they eagerly tried to race ahead of her.  

"No, I think we should settle this here and now. No longer Lily Partridge will you bully me!"I proclaimed, readying myself in case she made a move to hit me; much to my displeasure, she began to howl with laughter, her hand theatrically grasping her stomach. "Ah, you are so funny! Do you really think anyone will fear you? Where's your boyfriend, is he too busy to be with you right now?"

"He's not my boyfriend! "I cried through clenched teeth, my voice an octave higher than usual. "Oh...I see how it is, you wish to keep your relationship private do you? "Lily replied, an arrogant smirk making it's way onto her lips as she folded her arms over her chest in defiance. "Well, your little boyfriend isn't here to save you now! "She screamed, snatching a book from my shelf,  using it to hit me over the head with the solid leather cased school book. I yelped, falling to the floor, and onto my hands and knees.  Pressing my fingers to my forehead, and upon pulling my fingers away from the wound, a few drops of blood appeared on my fingertips. That was the last straw, Lily was not going get away with this; I stood, preparing myself to hit her back twice as hard, and finding everything in my room was floating around me, glancing over to Lily who stood unmoving in shock, her mouth agape and eyes wide. 

"You are cursed! "She screeched,  pointing a finger accusingly at me before fleeing my room, leaving me with a mixture of awe and confusion at what I had just happened. Tom turned the corner and stepped over the threshold into my room, managing to catch a glimpse of the floating objects before they abruptly crashed to the floor. "Tom, what have I done? Lily is going to tell the headmaster and I will be sent away!" Tom gingerly walked over to me, guided me over to the bed, sat me down and took out a clean cloth from within his coat pocket, proceeding to press it lightly to my forehead to clean up as much of the blood as possible, his eyes remaining on the wound on my forehead, despite my loud winces in pain.

"Tom...say something, please!" He ceased cleaning my wound, his eyes at last dropping to meet mine in a blank stare. "The wound is clean but there will be a bruise, and it may take some time to heal."Tom spoke at last, as I took over holding the cloth to my forehead. "I know you saw what I did" I said, deciding that if I was to get the answers I wanted out of him, I would have to push him. "Yes, I did see." Tom solemnly responded, breaking the eye contact I had been trying to hold and averting his gaze away from mine. "Is that normal, can you do th-"I began but stopped when Tom's eyebrows furrowed together. "What's wrong Tom? "I asked, taking his hand into mine and squeezing it. "I wasn't there "He whispered quietly so that I only just managed to make out what he had said. "What can you possibly mean?"

"I wasn't there to stop her from hurting you! I promised I would help you, but when you needed me most I was too late!" He propelled himself away from me and off of the bed, an irritated expression replacing the original calm mask he had been wearing. "I didn't expect you to be there, honestly I don't mind the fact you weren't there, after all, you can't be everywhere at once right?"I said jokingly, letting out a laugh in the hopes that Tom would join in, but Tom looked over to me, his serious expression not fading. 

"You're wrong, it's not alright, it's not alright at all!"Tom shot back, storming into his room and slamming the door shut, leaving me in alone once again, holding the cloth to my forehead. I sighed in defeat and got up,  slowly closing my door to block out the happy giggles echoing down the hallway from the playroom. I would read a book until Tom had calmed down because by the looks of it, it was not going to be anytime soon that he forgave himself.

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