Mudblood scum

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I rushed through the halls trying to find Tom I had checked every place he normally was but he was nowhere to be found for a minute I thought that Victoria had whisked him away some place but then I shook the thought out of my head and headed to the girls bathroom where I saw that all the taps were on I ran over and turned them off looking at the water that had flooded the place it was then that I saw her and I nearly lost my balance and had to lean against the sinks.Myrtle a girl in our year was dead I held in the urge to scream but let go of the sink and walked slowly over to her still body her eyes were open so I gently closed them kneeling beside her,her body was cold as ice and when I felt for a pulse there was none.She was dead and the thing was that I knew exactly who it was Myrtle was a mudblood.

I stood up again backing away and grabbing my bag and running out of the toilets and through the corridors to potions class where Professor Slughorn had the class gathered round as he talked to them.Everyone turned to me when I entered the classroom and put my bags down by my seat and stood among the group of girls next to Penelope.

"Where were you?"She whispered when professor Slughorn continued with the class I didn't dare look anywhere in Toms direction I knew that in the past he had used the cruciatus curse on someone but I didn't ever think he would murder someone just because of their bloodtype.I zoned out for most of what professor Slughorn was saying as I couldn't keep my mind off the way Myrtle looked her mouth open as though she had been screaming it sent shivers down my spine I can only hope that she had a quick death.

"Now everyone go sit at your seats if you will"Professor Slughorn instructed and everyone made their way back over to their stools I was normally thankful to be sat next to Tom but today it made even harder to ignore him.I took out my quill and began to copy down the meanings of different potions.When the lesson was nearly over we all had to put our things away and hand in our homework I had managed to get some time in while in the library to look up what different love potions were which we were focusing on next lesson.

"You will all earn 10 points each for such a good lesson now off you go"Professor Slughorn dismissed us and I quickly grabbed my bag from under the table and walked off as fast as I could to the common room as it was lunch.When I turned the corner to the common room I was glad none else was around as I walked up to the painting of Salazar Slytherin.

"Pure bloods"I said the password and like always he bowed as the door opened revealing the empty common room everyone else had gone off to the great hall to eat and for that I was glad I wanted to be alone.

"Clara"It was Tom I was wrong about the common room being empty he was sprawled in the green sofa in front of the fire.I stopped short of breathing when he looked me right in the eyes.

"What are you hiding from me?"He asked as he stood up gracefully walking over to me.

"N-nothing"I replied and tried to move but felt like I was frozen.

"Your a really bad liar do you know that?"Tom said as he got closer.

"You know I am still waiting for that apology"Tom said his features turning sinister now that the fire flicked across his face.

"Well I am never going to give it to you anyway why should I yo-"I was cut off with Tom crashing his lips to mine as I melted more into the kiss I wrapped my arms around his neck.We pulled away for breath and rested our foreheads against each other.

"Promise me that you wont leave me"Tom said and I frowned.

"Why would I leave you?"I asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to him to the point where there was hardly any space between us.

"Just promise me"He whispered as we close enough to each other to hear what the other says perfectly well.

"I promise"I said and kissed him again but pulled away in shock when I heard the one and only high heeled shoes of Victoria Clearwater.

"She probably missed you at lunch Tommy"I joked before hiding behind a pillar as Tom made the room darker.

"Tom?"Her annoying voice echoed throughout the room and I dared to peek round the pillar a bit as Victoria just got through the darkest part of the common room.

"There you are I have been looking for you everywhere now come on we cant have you starving to death can we?"She said and held out her hand for Tom to take but Tom completely ignored the gesture and still sat sprawled out on the sofa.

"I am not hungry"Tom replied not keeping eye contact with Victoria but looking into the fire.

"Not even a bit?"Victoria asked as she sat close beside Tom on the sofa leaning into him but he did not do anything to move her away nor did he make an attempt to put an arm around her.

"I assure you I am perfectly fine until dinner"Tom said only glancing at Victoria who pulled away and began to fiddle with her school uniform obviously trying to come up with another way to spend time with Tom.

"Well then I suppose we can just stay in here then if you like it so much in here"Victoria said flashing Tom a dimpled smile but Tom took no notice he just kept staring into the fire.

"Oh come on don't be shy its only me I don't bite"Victoria said poking Tom in the cheek who in turn glared at her.

"I would prefer to be alone Victoria I will catch up with you at dinner"Tom said and after a few seconds of silence Victoria got up and left.After I was sure she had gone I came back out from behind the pillar and sat down in the chair opposite Tom who glanced at me and frowned when he saw where I was sitting.

"Why are sitting all the way over there?"Tom asked as casual as ever.

"I just thought maybe you were tired of girls for one day"I replied and noticed the diary on table beside me.Tom followed my gaze and tensed.

"I think I will put that in my room I don't want just anyone reading it"Tom said picking up the diary and quickly going up the steps and into his room.Tom really was up to something more than carrying out the task of Salazar Slytherin and I was going to find out what.

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