You will pay!

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Toms pov
It did not take long to find Fran sat alone in the common room reading while twirling her ginger locks around her finger as her eyes moved as she read.I took my wand out and Fran seemed to have only just noticed me as I could be completely silent when I wanted to be.Fran smiled broadly and stood up holding a green book in her hand using her fingers to keep the page.

"Ah Tom I have been waiting for you see I thought you might like this book its all abou-"Frans eyebrows furrowed in a frown as she saw my wand was out.

"W-why is your wand out Tom?"Fran asked but I knew she knew exactly what was going on.

"What a stupid question to ask and here I was thinking you should have been put into Ravenclaw"I snickered and Fran's skin seemed to pale as her eyes widened in shock and fear.

"You wouldn't you would lose your perfect reputation!"Fran's voice cracked as she tried to raise her voice at me which made my lips curl into a menacing smirk.

"Oh you might find that I would, you see I love Clara she means a great deal to me and then you come along and think its alright to put her into a life and death situation by spiking your own water and letting her drink it"I say as I twirl my wand in my fingers playfully and walk towards Fran who was now backing away from me.

"Please Tom I know now that what I did was wrong but there is nothing I can do about it now right?"

"Oh yes there is something you can do to pay Clara back for this"I said sounding more evil than I had meant it to sound.

"A-and whats that?"Fran managed to squeak out as she kept her eyes on my wand which I was still twirling in my fingers waiting for the right moment.

"This!Crucio"I exclaimed pointing my wand at Fran as she fell to the ground writhing and screaming in pain,at first it had been pleasurable to hear her blood curdling screams but then it grew annoying as the pleasure wore off.

"Silencio"I commanded my wand and it did two spells at once one to quieten the girl before me and one to keep her in excruciating pain.After doubling the pain for over ten minutes I stopped the spell and lowered my wand and Fran who had sweat dripping down her and tears falling down her cheeks lay quietly on the green rug on the floor.I walked over to her and knelt beside her smirking.

"You see this is what happens when you mess with me,tell anyone and I will doing something even worse because trust me darling this is only the beginning"I stood and took a look at the book on the floor in front of the fire which Fran had picked out for me and looked at it before shrugging my shoulders and turning round to Fran.

"Not bad I think I will take this"I said putting the book into my bag and heading to the great hall for a late dinner.

Claras pov
I felt a flash of pain go through me as I tried to move,I had tried whenever I regained consciousness now and again but I had always failed.I tried one last time gritting my teeth to try to get rid of the pain as I sat up and opened my eyes to see the room was still full of petrified students and dark where no candles had been lit.As I looked around the hospital wing which had become all to familiar to me which must be a bad thing, I noticed a little candle light flickering over in the office of the nurse.I swung my legs groaning in pain as another flash of burning hot pain shot through me making me feel dizzy.After managing to stand and slowly walk over to the office I knocked on the half open half closed door.

"Tom you cant see her again tonight its too late come back tomo-"The nurse began to talk as she opened the door in her nightgown with her hair in a plait and little bows weaved in the plait.

"Oh Clara Tom will be very pleased to see you"The nurse said smiling happily as I smiled but felt dizzy again and my knees went like jelly making me begin to fall to the ground.

"Right well maybe tomorrow he will see you but for now you will drink this and stay here overnight we will see how you are in the morning"The nurse said as she helped me back over to the hospital bed and poured me a glass of some medicine handing it to me.I took a sniff growing used to the horrible smell of it as I gulped it down in one go before placing the cup on the beside table.

"Good night sweetheart"The nurse said affectionately as she walked back into her office and closed the door leaving me in darkness again.I pulled the covers closer to me and closed my eyes hoping to not fall back into what felt like a coma again.I twisted and turned in the bed as I tried to get comfy only to find my mind wandering to Tom,how many times had he visited me since I had been in here anyway?Eventually I did manage to drift off into the world of dreams thinking only of waking up again and getting to see Toms face when he saw that I was awake,it was true I had butterflies in my stomach as I contemplated what Tom might do when he did find out but to be honest I was more worried about Fran,I hope Tom hasn't been too harsh to her about this...

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