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I was sat at the table eating dinner when Francesca came over to the Slytherin table dropped her bag and books down with a thud and sat down grabbing a plate and eating like a pig.

"Where have you been?"I asked as Francesca also known as Fran stopped eating for a second to talk with her mouthful.

"Library"She replied and I saw a glimpse of potatoes and meat,I crinkled up my nose in disgust as she carried on eating looking down at the food in front of me and losing my appetite.I heard a dreaded high pitch giggle emitted from non other than Victoria Clearwater.Tom had sat further down than usual closer to me most likely in the hopes that Victoria would leave him alone if he was sat near her arch enemy,but no she was giggling and hanging off him.I actually found it quite annoying myself and rolled my eyes which caught Toms eye and where as before his face had been filled with hatred it softened when our eyes met.

"Clara!"I heard my name being yelled by a little first year who had a camera and the flash light went off the second I turned around.

"Hi my names George pleasure to meet you"The first year said sweetly.

"Nice to meet you too just try not to break my eardrums next time you want to get my attention"I replied still hearing a faint buzzing sound.

"I was wondering if you could teach me some of the things you know"George said sitting on the bench beside me as he was also in Slytherin.

"You mean like tutoring sessions?"I asked furrowing my eyebrows at the young boy.

"Yes?"George said it like a question in case I said no.

"Yeah of course I will"I said and he smiled widely before running off to his friends and bragging about it.I looked back to Fran who was still eating.

"Alright?"She asked me through her mouthful food and I felt like I was going to be sick so I grabbed my bag from under the table, walking out of the great hall and up to the astronomy tower.Once I had got up all the stairs I dumped my bag on the platform and walked up the steps over to the balcony where I rested my arms on the railing.I heard quiet footsteps behind me but knew exactly who it was so I didnt flinch when a pair of arms went around my waist and a chin rested on my shoulder both of which belonged to Tom.

"What keeps you so deep in thought?"I heard him mumble from beside me.

"I don't want to do this anymore"I said softly turning around in Toms enclosed arms to face him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Don't want to do what anymore?"Tom replied just as softly and smirked.

"Hide"I said and saw the moonlight make Toms eyes twinkle.

"We only hide because I don't want you getting hurt"Tom replied and I huffed.

"I can take care of myself"I mumbled and rested my head on Toms chest.

"That's what I was afraid you would say"Tom replied playing with my hair just like he always did.

"You know Penelope's pregnant with Potters child"I said changing the subject and I felt Tom tense.


"Yeah she is pregnant turns out he apologized to her and they...well"I said lifting my head from Toms chest to look at him.

"Did the deed"He finished for me and I laughed.

"Well that's one way you could put it,you know I am never going to let you live it down the way you reacted after the first time we did it."I said smirking and Tom looked like he was searching for a way out of this.

"It wasn't that bad"Tom replied and I laughed fiddling with the Slytherin green prefect badge on his grey school jacket.

"Oh no of course it wasn't, it was only like you promised to yourself you would never have sex with me again in case I got pregnant."I said and gave him a knowing look as he tried hard not to smile.

"That was one time"Tom mumbled and I laughed again at his clear embarrassment.

"I am still not going to let you live it down you will have to remember it forever"I smirked and groaned as he kissed my nose.

"What was that for?"I mumbled and he kissed me again except this time on the lips before pulling away and resting his forehead against mine.

"That was for being so cute"He replied and I rolled my eyes.Tom pulled away and took the hand which had his mothers ring on it.

"Put it on this finger"Tom said and took it off putting it onto the middle finger of my left hand.

"But I thought you said you wanted to hide our-"

"I know but I can at least make a claim on my queen cant I?"Tom replied stroking my cheek and I blushed.

"Haven't you already?"I questioned and Tom saw the challenge and pulled me to him by my waist so that we were mere inches apart.

"I have now"He replied shortly before pressing his lips to mine.

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