Chapter One

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Kaden's POV

"Are you fucking kidding me Brendan?!" The sight in front of me was plain disgusting—my so called boyfriend deep inside of some woman. Not wanting to keep looking at the unpleasant picture any longer, I turned around and slammed the door on my way out of the apartment.

"Kaden! Kaden wait, is not what you think!" My boyfriend —or more like ex-boyfriend— yelled after me as he tried not to trip with his bed sheets.

I stopped just so I could answer the ridiculous thing he just said. "Really Brendan? What else is there to think when I just found you fucking your ex?!"

"Okay, yes, it looked bad but please let's talk this out." He tried to grab my hand but was immediately shrugged off.

"We are done." Brendan tried to block my way, making me roll my eyes, "Oh fuck off." I said pushing him out of the way.

"You will come back, bitch!" Brendan yelled as he watched his ex-girlfriend walk away.

"Go fuck yourself." I flicked him off from the inside of the elevator as the doors closed, a fake smile on my face.

Sighing once the doors closed, I slumped against the wall of the elevator—my eyes shutting close for a split second, before taking out my phone and calling for an uber.

Can't believe he made me waste money coming to this shit.

It's not like I really even cared about him cheating. We dated for like two weeks and in all honesty, I was getting bored of him—the sex was good, that I will admit, but just not worth the effort or bother.

Exiting the building I stood in the walkway waiting for her uber to arrive, and it took quite a while till it did, heavy traffic being the driver's excuse—but I couldn't care less, I just wanted to go home already. I didn't even want to come visit Brendan, but after our discussion last night I thought it was the right thing to do.

How stupid could I had been?

Good thing was catching his guilty self on the act, and now I'm done with him.


My phone began to ring—expecting it to be Brendan annoying her once again, I responded with... quite hostility . "What the fuck do you want?"

"Yeez, who pissed you off?"

"Divya... sorry, I thought it was Brendan." I sighed and continued speaking to my roommate.

"Damn what did he do now? And where are you?" She asked.

"I'll tell you when I get home and I'm currently on my way, but stuck in traffic." I looked to the outside, surrounded by cars and the annoying sound of the frustrated drivers pushing the car horn. Not that it made the queues move faster or at all.

"That doesn't sound good."

"It's not."

Divya hummed over the phone—the sound of plates was heard in the background. "Well I'm making dinner, so you'll be home to a warm plate of food to replace the hate on your heart."

"That does sound good..." I mumbled—her head leaning against the glass of the car window. "I will be home soon, the traffic seems to be finally be moving."

"Okay! I'm making chicken alfredo, by the way." My roommate announced —instantly lifting my mood by a lot. Divya knew it was my favorite plate and she also happened to make the best one I had ever tasted.

"Div you are the best." My mouth watered at the thought of the meal waiting for me at home.

"Yeah I know, now hurry your ass up." She said before hanging up on me.

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