Chapter Thirty Three

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Kaden's POV

Waking up I groaned at the soreness in my body. When I noticed only one body at my side on the bed I sat up to see Grace still sound sleep.

Where the hell is Jessie?

I didn't bother waking her up as I stood up and gathered my clothes from the floor before going to the bathroom to make myself presentable. Elizabeth's bathroom was stocked with basic necessities like unopened toothbrushes and toothpaste. I also pondered on showering but with the cast is annoying, I also don't have clean clothes so I'll just wait till we go home.

When I got out of the bathroom I saw Grace now awake on the bed, relaxed scrolling through her phone. Once she heard me enter the room she looked at me with a grin forming on her face.

"Don't even." I said before she could.

"Calm down. I won't tell anyone you are sleeping with a married woman." She put the phone down and stood up from the bed—not caring about the sheets slipping off her and leaving her bare body to show.

"You better not."

"Or what?" Grace raised a brow, slowly walking towards me. "You are gonna spank me with your good hand again?" She pouted.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

I can't deny how attractive Grace is—at least physically speaking. She was tall —model like tall— with doe brown eyes, a chiseled jaw and straight light brown hair that had highlights on it, it matched her eyes well and also had a to die for body. Made me wonder if she had ever thought about being a model.

She had a weird personality... although I think that's what makes her so good in bed.

"I'm just fucking with you Kaden, I won't tell anyone. But if you and your lover are ever up for another threesome hit me up — I don't mind that she's married it's kinda hot if I think about it." She bit her lip and looked me up and down. I on the other hand —as much as I wanted to do the same to her— restrained myself from doing so and focused on her face.

"How do you know is not my first time sleeping with her?"

Grace tilted her head and gave me a bored look. "I know you think I'm stupid, but I can tell when someone has slept with someone else before. You knew how to fuck her, what she liked, how she liked it and where she liked it most."

She got me there.

"Try not to let it slip with Jen."

"Just with Jen?" She frowned.

"Well... Elizabeth and Divya kinda know." I shrugged.

"Damn Kaden this is not a secret anymore this is corporative information." Grace laughed at her own bad joke.

"Whatever, go put on some clothes." I walked past her.

"You liked me without them last night." I heard her say as I went to the door.

"Last night, not anymore." I said and got out of the bedroom.

Walking by one of the many rooms I saw one with the door opened. There on the bed were Jen and Divya passed out sleeping in different directions. I chuckled at the thought of Divya having to deal with Jen's lightweight self.

Going downstairs I still saw no sign of Jessie on the living room... which smelled weird... anyway I know she didn't leave. She had come with Divya and I, unless she had taken an uber to her place... which I doubt she did— or at least hope she didn't.

Heading to the kitchen I stopped myself when I heard voices and the mention of my name. Call me nosy, but I did want to hear what they were talking about that concerned me.

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