Chapter Fourteen

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Kaden's POV

"KADEN YOU WHORE!" The sound of Divya banging my bedroom door was impossible to ignore.

I groaned against my pillow when I heard the doorknob turn and door creek open. "You are unbelievable!"

"Divya fuck off." I covered my face with my blanket.

"I told you not to sleep with my friends!"

Knowing she wasn't going to stop yelling at me or get out I took the blanket off my face and was met with the sight of a glaring Divya and Jen by the door with a mocking smile. "Isn't it too early for this?"

"What is going on?" Was heard from besides me on the bed. "Oh shit," my companion from last night said once she saw my roommate.

"I told you not to fuck her." Divya said to... the both of us.

"Calm down okay? Greta is not crazy, she won't make an scene like the others." My words seemed to have set off Divya again.

"Her name is not Greta!"

"Dude come on you slept with Grace last night." Jen chuckled still on the same spot leaning against the doorframe.

"It's okay, I called her Kai last night by accident." Grace now awake laid comfortably on the bed, the sheets covering her naked body.

"See? Common mistake. She's fine." I shrugged.

"Divya I don't know why you are so worried, Grace is as much of a hoe as Kaden." Jen commented, Grace tilting her head in agreement.

"Yet I would never sleep with you Jen." I retorted.

"Because I don't eat pussy."

"Obviously because you are too much of a dick."

Jen narrowed her eyes at me, her arms crossed. "If you beat her up I'll join you," she turned to my roommate.

Divya ignored her and pointed at Grace, "You better not fall for her and turn into a crazy clingy bitch. I seriously can't deal with another psycho because you have nicotine in your pussy Kaden!"

"I have what where!?"

Divya ignored my yell as she walked out of my room with Jen, slamming the door on the way out. On the other hand Grace was dying of laughter besides me.

"Oh man, this was totally worthy." Grace said as her laugher subsided, falling back down on the mattress.

"Depends, are you going to go full on crazy on me later on?" I asked to the beautiful woman besides me.

"Yes, what are we?" She asked making my eyes go wide before she broke into laughter. "I'm just fucking with you Kaden."

"Well is not funny!" I hit her with my pillow.

"Your face was a lot funny." Grace laughed and took the pillow from my grasp. "I know this is only a hook up Kaden, do you think you are the only one who sleeps around?"

"I don't sleep around." I uselessly denied.

"Yeah right, keep telling yourself that." Grace stood up from the bed letting her naked form be free from the bed sheets. "Can I use your shower?"

"Go ahead." I said and watched her walk away to the bathroom connected to my room.

I stood up from the bed as well, too hungry to go back to sleep now. I grabbed a shirt and shorts and put them on to go out of my room. Outside Divya and Jen ate together at the island counter, both checking their phones as they ate.

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