Chapter Two

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Kaden's POV

Waking up at seven in the morning while is snowing outside should count as some type of torture, really.

And you know what's worse than that? Forgetting to wear socks and that your bare feet touch the freezing floor. Now that is the worst way to start the morning.

"Fuck." I muttered as got out of the shower to the chill air of my room. Picking out my bra and underwear from my drawer. I put on some jeans and long sleeve t-shirt along with a hoodie over it and a beanie. It was too cold out to wear anything less.

"Up early." Dyvia stood on the kitchen in her pijamas and cup of coffee on her hands.

"I told you I'm meeting my dad at his office. Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?" I searched around for my house keys.

"They're by the stereo, and no it's my free day. I was just craving coffee." Dyvia said knowing exactly what I was looking for. "Do you want some?"

"Thanks and no, I should go, my uber must be here already. I'll just grab one in the coffee shop across the street from my dad's." I put my keys and wallet on my pockets.

"You could've asked me to drop you off. When do you get your car back?" My roommate asked as she poured more coffee on her mug.

"Later today."

"Do you want me to drive you to pick it up?" She offered.

"Sure, thanks. I really gotta go now, talk to you later." I heard her hum and saying something about being safe before I closed the door.

When I got down the uber was in fact waiting for me. As soon as I got in I took out my phone and texted my dad to let him know I was on my way. I also had a text from Candace telling me good morning, to which I replied with the same—knowing she would start a conversation with me regardless, not that I mind really, I'm not on bad terms with her anymore, haven't been in a while.


I shook my head and put my phone back in my pocket. Decided to instead focus on the cars outside the window, rather than to dwell in anything that could potentially ruin my early morning.

I loved to travel on car while it was snowing, not drive, but to travel just so I could see the white snow from outside the window.

I felt the car come to a stop, the uber driver announcing me that we arrived. Getting out of the car, I could see my dad's truck parked in front of the three floors building.

After my dad moved to Canada during my third year in college, he started his own construction company using his life saving. It was a slow start but it eventually did pay off, now he owns a small company, that mostly works in remodeling or building suburban houses. He went from working for one to owning one, I'm really proud of him.

I majored in interior design and work as a freelancer, and I like it and do fairly good money. But when work is slow there, I come and ask my dad for a job in whatever construction work he has available for me.

Going up the stairs to my dad's office on the second floor, I knocked before entering, knowing that he was waiting for me.

However I frowned in confusion when I saw Candace sat on the chair across his desk—my dad on his own seat opposite to her. "Dad... Candace, hi?"

"Good morning Kade." My dad leaned back on his office chair as he greeted me.

Candace on the other hand, stood up and walked to greet me, her hands on mine. "Hello sweetheart, what brings you here?"

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