Chapter Twenty

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Kaden's POV

I groaned when I felt my phone vibrate somewhere in my bed, waking me up when I was way too comfortable sleeping. I tried ignoring it but they just called again.

Oh fuck my life.

Now that I got woken up I might as well answer the fucking phone.

"What?" I said rather harshly as I picked up the phone with my eyes closed.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I was met with none other than Jessie's voice on the phone.

It's way too early for this.

"I'm not ignoring you Jessie."

"You left me on read last night."

I sighed and sat myself on the bed—I rubbed the sleep off my eyes, "I was out and distracted, I was going to text you in the morning."

"Oh... sorry I— it's stupid, never-mind." She said with evident embarrassment.

"What is it Jessie?"

"Nothing I just thought you didn't like it..." Jessie responded with a hint of insecurity on her voice.

"The picture?" I asked and got a hum of confirmation in return. "How could I not like it Jess? You are beautiful."


"Yes, you make it so hard for me. I look again at the picture with you only in that towel and I just want to pull it off and take you." I went to have another look at the picture, her wet body from the shower only covered with her towel. Lord.

"How do you think is—"

"Time to wake up Kaden it's my birthday!" Morgan banged on the door loudly before I heard her go and do the same to Jason's door down the hallway... who proceeded to yell profanities at her.

Maybe I needed that wake up call.

I sighed. Morgan always has to be so damn loud, even at eight in the morning after getting drunk. I don't know where she gets the energy for that.

"Was that Morgan?" Jessie asked with a light hearted laugh.

"Yes, I should get up before she comes back screaming like crazy again." I was thankful I didn't have a hangover, that could be given to the fact that I was more focused on talking to Elizabeth than getting wasted.

"Wait!" I halted—waiting for Jessie to speak again. "How— how was your day yesterday?"

I frowned in confusion, "You want to know about my day?"

"The surprise in your voice makes me feel bad."

"Sorry this is just new between us... it was a good day." I thought about reuniting with my friends and then meeting Elizabeth and talking to her all night. Maybe it was more than a good day.

I'm still yet to find out what it is about Elizabeth that is so magnetic, yes she is gorgeous but that's not the only thing.

"I'm glad you are having fun." Jessie responded reminding me we are still on call.

"Thanks... what about you, how did your day go?"

"Not a lot went on, I passed by the house, your dad was there and then I spent most of my day at the gallery."

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