Chapter Sixteen

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Kaden's POV

"Isn't your secretary going to suspect the fact that I haven't left your office in two hours?"

"She can think whatever the hell she wants, she can't prove anything... besides my office is soundproof." Jessie revealed the last part and looked at me with a smug smirk.

"You are devious, you could've said so before."

"Where's the fun in that?"

"So now I know that I can make you scream... more than you did." I chuckled as Jessie swatted my chest. She was on top of me in just her bra and underwear as we laid on the couch that was on her office.

I had lost count of how many orgasm we've gotten in these almost two hours. We would think it was over just to end up fucking again... it was pretty hard not to when she is— when she's just her.

It's like we can't keep our hands from each other. Never mind that, we can't.

"You are so full of yourself." Jessie complained—I ran my hands up and down her back before gripping her ass, causing a moan out of her.

"Of yourself too."

"You are unbelievable." I hummed at her words and leaned up to kiss her—my hands slipping inside her panties. "No, no more," she said pulling away.

I groaned and retracted my hands, "Fine."

Jessie chuckled and cupped my chin with one hand, "You are a horn dog, I came around six times."

"Seven is the magic number."

"Someone can get suspicious of how much time you've been in here." Jessie pointed out what I said earlier.

"You just said you didn't care if your secretary assumed."

"I don't."

"Good then, she could join in if it was up to me— hey!" I complained at her pinching my arm.

"You are not funny." Jessie rolled her eyes and stood up—she began to search for her clothes, putting them on as she got a hold of them.

"Who said I was joking?" I got up from the couch and put on my own clothes.

"Whatever." She arranged herself in front of the mirror.

Once I was fully clothed I grabbed my car keys and headed for the door. "Where are you going?"

"Back to work or home, I don't know yet. There's not much to do for me at work either way. Why?"

"So you are just going to leave?" Jessie asked—her head tilted.

"Yeah, that's what I said."

"Fine, leave." Jessie dismissed went to her desk and began rearranging the mess we made.

"I was going to." I shot back and finally opened the door. "Oh and do call for your bed to be replaced," I reminded her before exiting her office.

I couldn't help the roll of my eyes once I was out. Walking through the gallery I didn't fail to notice Vanessa's eyes on me as I went out of the building.

As soon as I got in my car I felt my phone ringing on my pocket—that probably being my dad or work.

To my own surprise it was none of them, instead it was Morgan wanting to FaceTime. I accepted the call and I was met by grey eyes, "Hi bitch."

"Morgan, about time you appeared."

"You know the phone works both ways right?" She seemed to be at home, maybe outside in the balcony.

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