Chapter Thirty Two

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Kaden's POV

We were all sat in Elizabeth's living room, one bottle of wine down and another opened. I of course had to tell the story of my car crash to Jen and Grace —to which Jen didn't fail to call me an idiot for not seeing the car coming my way.

I went to serve myself another glass of wine, but Jessie got ahead of me and served it for me. "Thank you, but I had it."

"Sure you did, you would probably end up breaking this glass too." She giggled, I think the alcohol already got to her.

I grabbed the wine glass with my good hand and showed it to her before sipping it. "See, I'm very capable."

Grace came back from the bathroom and sat back next to Divya and Jen who were having a conversation about the Fashion Week, meanwhile Elizabeth was just watching and listening to the two of them talk amongst each other.

"So Elizabeth, are you single?" Grace asked with a suggestive smile.

"Here you fucking go." Jen said with a roll of eyes.

"What?" Grace complained as she took a sip of her wine.

"Girl control your hormones!" Jen shot back to her friend.

Elizabeth seemed to have found their interchange funny as she chuckled, "I am single... for now."

"Great so I am." Grace moved closer, but was pushed by Divya who was the one sitting besides her.

"Grace don't be so promiscuous, there's Kaden if you are so desperate." Jen commented and pointed at me.

Why do I always have to be dragged into these things?

I looked between them and Jessie—Elizabeth was suppressing a smile but clearly failing to do so... while I saw Jessie biting the inside of her cheek.

"What does that got to do with me?!" I complained.

"It's not like I'm lying." Jen shrugged.

"Kaden never talked to me again after that night we slept together, and she thought I would go batshit crazy on her." Grace revealed making me hide in the couch a bit.

"You make me sound like a dick." I muttered.

"You are... but you are also good in bed so that makes up for it." Grace grinned.

"On that I can agree." Elizabeth nodded her head and sipped her wine.

"Okay enough, this is not the Kaden's sex stories club." Divya thankfully said.

I could feel Jessie's intense gaze on me, but for my own sake I refused to look back—thankfully Jen and Grace were both slightly buzzed by now and very oblivious regardless if they were drinking alcohol or not. They are always on their own world where everything is either about them or they won't notice.

"Let's talk about yours then." Elizabeth looked at Divya suggestively — my roommate however just rolled her eyes and ignored the request.

"There would need to be one to begin with— ouch!" Grace laugh was short lived as she recoiled in pain when Divya pinched her side.

"She's right though Div, when was when was the last time you hooked up with someone?" Jen asked, peaking my interest as well.

I don't remember either.

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