Chapter Six

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Kaden's POV

"I miss the snow." Divya looked at the night sky as we walked side by side.

"I've had enough snow to last a life time, I could use some warm while it last." I commented and looked at the stoplight signaling us to not cross the street.

"You are weird for loving the heat. I'm a winter girl."

"Not my fault I never got accustomed to the cold, it only made me miss the hot summer more." I shrugged.

Today was my free day, so I decided to have some friends time with Divya. Since I started working on Jessie's house we haven't really gotten much time to hang out as she has been busy with her own work as well.

"You are so weird." My roommate shook her head and grabbed my arm before we crossed.

"I get that a lot."

We arrived to the restaurant we were gonna eat at, it was not our usual place because apparently Divya wanted us to try something 'new'... and it of course had to be a Chinese restaurant, her favorite kind of food.

"So how is working with your former classmate going?" Divya asked once we ordered our food.

I shrugged, "We don't talk much, she tries to make conversation but I don't show interest."

"Oh you hate her."

"I don't hate her. But I don't particularly like her either... I'm not that petty. How many times do I have to tell you that?" I rolled my eyes and leaned on the chair.

"Well you don't talk about her in the best way and that just makes me think that you hate her." She sipped from her glass of water.

"I don't even talk about her, I just answer your repetitive questions."

"Can you blame me? You don't talk much about your life before coming up here, I only know about your two friends. But knowing you they were your only friends." Dyvia chuckled at the last part as I glared at her.

"Not everyone is a social butterfly like you." I watched the waiter approach with our food... or so I hope is our food, I hate when I get it wrong and the waiter just walks over to another table.

Which just fucking happened.

I sighed as my eyes remained on the passing waiter. I looked around the restaurant to distract myself from the roaring on my stomach.

However food seemed to turn into the last thought on my mind as I watched Jessie walk through the restaurant's door—quickly averting my gaze I tried to subtly hide myself.

"What are you doing?" Divya questioned, looking at me like I was crazy.

I took my hand off my face, "Nothing."

My roommate narrowed her eyes—obviously not believing me. "What's the problem Kaden?"

I gave in, knowing Divya would get her answer one way or the other, "She just entered the restaurant."

"She?" Divya's eyebrows rose.

"Jessie." I said lowly—my eyes easily finding her amongst the other tables, sitting alone as she read the menu.

"No fucking way." My friend said following my line of sight—a smile on Divya's face that I didn't like. "That's her? You know I don't swim that way, but damn she is hot as fuck."

"Who the hell cares if she's hot. My luck is fucking shit." I crossed my arms.

"Language Kaden." Divya said as she stood up—I grabbed her wrist.

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