Chapter Four

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Kaden's POV

"Wait slow down, this all sounds kinda crazy." Divya interrupted me.

"Do you need me to repeat myself?"

"No, no, I can do it. So, the people your dad and you are going to be working for happens to be the same girl who kissed your high school sweetheart and the same girl that you hate."

"I don't hate her. I just don't like her." First Jessie say that and now Divya. I'm not that petty to hate someone over something that happened ten years ago.

God I didn't even hate Candace for abandoning me... well not for much, it passed after a lot processing of her situation and maturing.

Anyway the point is I just don't like her, that's it.

"Same shit, but alright you don't like her. Whatever. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to stay?"

"Well today is my first day, so yeah. I tried to talk about it with my dad... but the pay was too good for me to refuse. Like really good." Yesterday after leaving Jessie's I approached my dad about not wanting to work on the house. He of course began to question me, but when I didn't give him a concrete answer and instead kept insisting that I wanted out, he brought up the pay.

Too good for me to pass up when I haven't had work in a bit.

"I understand that... just don't become a home wrecker." Divya said with a laugh.


"Come on Kaden, I know you. You fuck anything hot, men, women." The desi girl listed with her fingers.

She was exaggerating.

"That is simply not true. I've never fucked a married man or woman." I frowned.

"That you know."

"Stop. I'm not going to sleep with Jessie, not in a fucking million years would I." That had never crossed my mind before and Divya had to go and ruin that.

"Calm down, I'm just saying. But and just but if you do, then let me know that sounds like good gossip." Divya laughed when I threw the cushion to her face.

Standing up from the couch I grabbed my phone and keys and walked to the door. "I have to get going now. Try not to laugh yourself to death."

"Try not to disrupt a marriage!"

"Fuck you Divya." I grumbled as I closed the door.

Good thing is I already have my car back after Divya took me to pick up yesterday in the car shop. I was tired of ubers and having to ask for a ride to her or my dad. Getting in the car I plugged the aux to my phone and put my playlist—that's another thing I really missed about my car. No more strange playlist from uber drivers and no more country music from my dad.

He won't be working on the construction, he stopped doing that after he broke his leg three years ago. Didn't do it on his own though, I pushed into stop working in that part and just manage his small company. Candace was of help too, between the two of us it was enough to make him change his mind — he can be so fucking stubborn when he wants to.

Parking in the same spot as yesterday in front of the house, I noticed that the truck that read 'Stone's construction' in it. Nice knowing that I was the last to arrive on the first day. I also saw what I believe was one of Jessie's or her husband's car.

"Finally you arrive." Tom one of the construction team, said as I entered the empty living room of the house.

"There was traffic, sorry." I lied. In truth I over slept, but that doesn't sound good. "Where are they?"

"The mrs is outside taking a call. We didn't want to get started without you here." Luis —another coworker— spoke.

"Great. We should get going with the outside of the house, painting the exterior and the porch. Is not snowing and the sun is perfect, once we are done with everything outside we'll move to the inside. We are five people, it shouldn't take us long." I instructed the team of their shores so we could get started. As everyone was leaving the house to go outside and do their work, Jessie was coming back inside.

"Morning." Jessie greeted—looking around as if to find the where the others went to.

"They are outside, and I should be to." I tried to make my way outside, but I felt her hand grab my arm.

"Let me know if you guys need anything."

"We won't, but thank you." I set my arm free and walked outside.

We have been working outside for at least six hours, our lunch passed fairly quick in between. I haven't seen much from Jessie in all day, she would come out to see how we were doing every so often, but she was inside for most of the time. They had put some chairs for her to seat and that.

There was still an hour or so of work left to do. We had made pretty good process for the first day, the porch was already painted and the others were painting the house's first floor, while I painted the parts that needed to be painted in the third floor.

"Isn't this dangerous?" I was confused to hear the voice of Jessie. Putting the paint brush down I turned to see her leaning against the window from inside the house.

"I'm a professional, it's fine."

"I don't know... your dad did mention you broke your shoulder by falling off a roof?" Jessie's smirk was all too annoying. It made me want to jump off the roof. "I just don't want a sue or my house to be haunted by you."

"I wouldn't waste my eternity haunting you. Anything else I can help you with Mrs. O'Connor?" I resumed the painting.

"I'm bored, so yes."

"I'm working Mrs." I responded not looking at her.

"Stop calling me that," she complained—I could see the frown on her face from the corner of my eyes.


"I don't know, is weird coming from you. So stop it."

I hummed as I continued retouching the wall with the grey painting, not giving Jessie the satisfaction of having my full attention. "This and yesterday is the most we have talked in our lives. Now that is weird."

"I'm starting to realize why. You are infuriating."

"And you are better? Especially back then when you were miss perfect, best friends with the bullies. But still everybody's friend." This time I did turn to look at her—and I was met with a glare in those doe light coffee eyes. Her brown skin glowed under the golden hour sun and her black curls were pulled back into a messy bun.

"Are you trying to see how much will it take for me to push you off this roof?" Jessie raised a brow.

"It would take me out of this conversation, so the offer does sound tempting." I chuckled and looked down to see everyone still working—focused on their tasks.

"How did you even get up here?" She asked ignoring my comment—looking around the house trying to answer the question by herself.

"Wouldn't you want to know?"

Jessie rolled her eyes, "You are impossible to talk to."

"My job is to built houses not friendships."

"I can't believe you said that," she scoffed and got away from the window. "Enjoy your work Kaden."

"Yes ma'am." I responded with a chuckle as she closed the window.

A/N - Don't forget to vote and comment!

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