Chapter Twenty Nine

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Kaden's POV

"I told you to be safe." Elizabeth said as she waltzed inside the hospital room, with Divya behind her after she had told something to my parents that kept waiting outside.

"Your parents are going to go get something to eat. They'll be back soon." Divya revealed as she stood besides Elizabeth.

"I was careful, I only got unlucky." I nodded and responded to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth approached me on the bed and hugged me as carefully as she could, her hands then inspecting my face. "You are a bloody mess."

"I think I look badass." I joked earning a light laugh out of her.

I could feel Jessie's intense glare on me as Elizabeth remained close to me, even when she backed up. I didn't dare to look at her though, how do I even begin to explain who Elizabeth is without it being uncomfortable or her getting mad.

Elizabeth turned to finally acknowledge the other woman in the room. "I don't believe we have met, I'm Elizabeth Sinclair a... friend of Kaden's." The British woman extended her hand out to Jessie.

Jessie looked at it for a moment until she ultimately shook it. "Jessica Miller."

Did she just...?

Realization dawned upon Elizabeth's face at the name. A small smile showcasing her teeth formed on her face. "Pleasure to finally meet you. Kaden's talked a lot about you."

"Can't say the same about you." Jessie replied with a painfully obvious fake smile.

"Jessie..." I said to her—giving her a look.

Elizabeth was taken aback by the hostility but chuckled regardless. I don't know what exactly she found amusing, it was everything but that to me.

"Elizabeth! Tell me are you English or from somewhere else from the UK? I'm not good with accents." Divya thankfully decided to intervene.

"I am English, are you Canadian?" Elizabeth asked back to my roommate as they made conversation.

Jessie threw me a question glare, but I just found myself rolling my eyes and grabbing her hand—intertwining our fingers once again.

"I am! My parents migrated from India, but I was born here." Divya spoke animatedly, they proceeded to speak about their jobs—leaving us out of the conversation until Divya turned the subject back to me and how I was staying the night in the hospital.

"Where are you staying tonight? Or are you leaving already?" I asked.

"I'm staying for a few days, got to make sure you are back to your best before I go."

"Where are you staying?"

"I have a flat downtown, don't worry love is not my first time in Vancouver. I've been here plenty of times for work." Elizabeth's response made Jessie scoff.

"Jessie come on be nice." I told her.

"Fine." Jessie said and turned to the British woman looking between us—still unbothered by her attitude. "How did you two meet?"

"Some weeks ago in Morgan's birthday party, I recall you know who that is." Elizabeth was trying to get under Jessie's skin, that much was obvious as she knew she would figure out it was her that I slept with during that trip.

And she did.

"Did you? And of course I know her, I've known her and Kaden my whole life."

"My apologies, I couldn't tell that you did since you weren't invited and all." Elizabeth's response made me turn to Divya for help, nudging my head for her to come up with something.

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