Chapter Thirteen

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Kaden's POV

"You lied."

"I didn't lie, I said that I would be there but something came up and now I can't go with you and Candance to the trip." I played with Divya's hair as she went through the channel's.

"And what is that so important that came up?" My dad asked not believing me.

"I..." I looked down at Divya on my lap and an idea occurred to me. "Divya is sick vomiting and dizzy I have to stay with her in case you know... she's pregnant."

That made my roommate lift her head from my lap and give me a look. "What the-" I muffled her words by putting my hand on her mouth.

"Are you serious?"

"When am I not serious dad."

"Many times actually." He said matter of fact.

"Dad. I gotta go enjoy your love scape though, love you!" I quickly hung up the phone and chuckled, I retracted my hand from my friend's mouth when I felt her lick it. "Nasty bitch."

"Were you trying to set up your parents on a date like they're a couple of high schoolers?" Divya said with a smirk as I wiped my hand on her pants.

"Kinda, my dad needed the push, he was driving me insane by always pussying out of finally asking her out. Someone had to do something." I shrugged.

"Aren't you a sweetheart? Match making for mommy and daddy." Divya squished my cheeks making me push her off me and fall onto the carpet on the floor. "You are a fucking asshole Kaden."

"I'm hungry, I'm gonna order food." I ignored my roommate's complaints as I whipped out my phone again and started to search for food to order. "What do you think, Thai, Chinese or Greek food?"

"I think you should eat a dick."

"That's not in uber eats I have to open tinder for that." I received a hit with a cushion before she walked off to the kitchen.

"Chinese and order for five." I turned on the couch to look at her.

"Why five?" I asked.

Divya opened her can of beer, "I invited Jen and Grace to come over for movie night."

"Then get your ass over here and help me pick from the menu." I patted the spot next to me. With a roll of eyes Divya jumped through the sofa and laid her head on my lap again before taking my phone from my hands... which I retorted by taking her beer.

Jen and Grace got here before the food did, it was as if the knowledge of free food made them move faster... which it probably did. Not long after them the food followed, a bunch of food for five people but so far it looked like there wouldn't be any left overs, either we really didn't order that much or everyone was really hungry.

"What are we watching?" Jen before taking a bit of the sweet and sour chicken.

"I was thinking a romcom." Divya said with excitement, already taking the controller hostage.

"Here you fucking go." I groaned.

"Fuck you Kaden." My roommate flipped me off.

"I vote Shrek." Grace commented.

"I can second that." I pointed to her.

"We are not watching Shrek!" Divya exclaimed.

"Why do you hate Shrek?" Jen asked.

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