Chapter Twenty Eight

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Kaden's POV

"You could've died!" My dad yelled.

"But I didn't!"

"Yes you didn't and thank God, but look at your arm, your head, your face! You didn't leave unscathed Kaden!" My mom said with tears leaving her eyes again.

"Mom I'm fine, it's just a broken arm, some cuts on my face from the shattered car window, my fucked up nose because of the airbag —may I add— and my head got banged by the impact and by again the airbag. A concussion won't kill me... I hope." I said making my dad give me a look for that last unwarranted comment.

My body was still high on pain medication for my bruised up body but other than that I would live.

"We are pressing charges." My mom kept insisting.

"I'm not pressing charges on a stupid 15 year old kid that thought stealing his parent's car was a good idea." I shut down the idea once again.

"But—" I cut off my dad.

"He's as okay as I am, the insurance covers the damage done to my car and the parents already paid for my expenses. I'm not wasting my time in a court against a kid and his neglecting rich parents." The last thing I wanted was to go through all the pressing charges thing, I'm fucked enough as I currently am.

My mom sighed and leaned down to kiss my bandaged forehead, "We are just concerned about you and still very much shaken up and scared."

"I know, but I'm alright guys." I looked at my dad who was standing to the side—but I knew him, he was fighting the urge to cry and if he come any closer he would cry.

"My baby, look at what they did to you." My mom grazed the bandage surrounding my head and the many small band aids on my face caused by the glass of the car window shattering.

"It'll heal." I smiled reassuringly at her.

"What were you even doing at that house on a Sunday Kaden?" My dad asked with his hand rubbing his forehead.

"Repaiting the main bedroom, I just thought it would be good to get work done ahead." It wasn't a lie, I did repaint the room, he just didn't need to know the rest.

The conversation was interrupted by the door of the hospital room opening revealing Divya once again—this time with three cups of coffee at hand. Of course my parents called Divya as soon as they found out, she has been in the waiting room since I arrived.

"I brought coffee." Divya said as she walked in.

"Nothing for me?" I asked.

"The only thing I'm getting for you is driving lessons." Divya sat on the chair besides my bed and grabbed my not injured hand—intertwining our fingers. She may be acting like a smart mouth now but I know she was just as concerned as my parents were.

"Actually what you could get for me is your phone, mine was on my pocket and well as you can imagine is not working anymore." I said to my friend.

"If you are worried about Morgan and Jason, I already told them. They were kinda freaking out and wanted to fly all the way here, but I reassure them you were good—you might have to call them though, here." Divya handed me her phone.

I had given Divya their contact in case of an emergency someday, I guess that day finally came.

I grabbed the phone and begin to search for their numbers. "Dad did you tell the remodeling team and... the owners of the house that I won't be able to go back?"

I can't lie and say that's not my way of figuring out if Jessie was told.

"I've been kind of distracted to do that, but I did talk to Tom and trusted him to deliver the messages. It's barely ten in the morning he must have done it or about to. But don't worry about work, you won't be going back in a long time kid."

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