Chapter Nineteen

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Kaden's POV

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Jason asked.

"We are going to this bar in the town, I heard women get free beer until eleven. And my birthday is tomorrow so we will receive it while drinking and having a nice time if we stay past midnight at the bar." Morgan sat down on the table, bringing Hayley her new coffee after my best friend had accidentally spilled it earlier.

Morgan's feet coordination never fails to impress me, it's like she was born with two left feet. I have no idea how she manages to skate and snowboard without breaking a bone... more often.

"Sounds nice." Dana said.

"That's not fair." Michael complained.

"Life isn't fair to women most of the times, I say free drinks is the least they can do." Monique responded grabbing her tea and dropping some stevia on it.

"They should add vodka to that, beer is not enough." Norah commented.

"I agree." Dana said.

I turned my attention away from them and looked at Elizabeth who was sat besides me scrolling through her phone. "Want some?" I offered her one of the three cookies on my plate.

She looked up from her phone. "I do, thank you," her fingers brushed with mine as she took the cookie.

I watched her take a bite of it, some cookie crumbs on the corner of her lip. I was about to tell her when my name was called. "Yes?"

"Can you give me a cookie too?" Morgan was the one to ask.

"No." I grabbed one of the two cookies I had left and took a bite out of it.

"Bitch." Morgan complained and Jason chuckled from her side.

"Babe if you want cookies you can simply go and get some." Hayley stopped talking to Monique, Dana and Norah to tell her girlfriend that.

"But I don't want to make that long ass line again, I just want one cookie and Kaden is being a dick."


"Morgan grow up." Hayley rolled her eyes and grabbed her girlfriend, guiding her to the line to buy cookies.

I threw the last cookie to Jason who laughed and split it in half with Michael.

"You love to annoy her." Elizabeth pointed out.

"She's my best friend, that's what we do." I noticed the cookie crumbs were still on the corner of her lip, so I leaned in and wiped it out with my thumb. The other five on the table were so engrossed in their own conversation that they were paying attention to anything else. "You had some crumbs there."

"How helpful you are, thank you." Elizabeth smiled.

"Are you going to the bar tonight?" I asked staring into her hypnotizing cognac brown eyes.


"On what?"

"Do you want me to come?"

"I do." I responded.

Elizabeth nodded and leaned over to grab her coffee from the table. "Then I suppose I will be there."

Innocent flirting never harmed anyone and it looked like Elizabeth though the same thing... but so far I'm kind of enjoying it. Elizabeth seemed different than what I imagined, you can tell she's a stoic woman... yet at the same time she's not? She's interesting.


We made our way together to the bar at nine, it wasn't snowing or windy which was good because we were on foot, but that didn't shake the fact that I would not be once we went back home... hopefully it doesn't, drunk and snowing can be a pain.

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