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Kaden's POV

"Calm down, I'm sure everything is going smoothly." I grabbed Jessie's hand while Laila was sat on my lap playing games on my phone. "Easy peasy."

That made Jessie glare at me, "Giving birth is not easy peasy."

"Ha, you are a dumbass." Jason pointed at me as he was sat across from us in the waiting room with Norah and their seven months old baby in her arms.

"Giving birth is not easy." Norah agreed with my girlfriend and gave me a look as well. "But let's hope is as easy as possible for Hayley right now."

"Sorry." I mumbled.

Not long after the first vacation in Montana at the lake house Norah and Jason revealed that they were expecting a child, nine months later Norah gave birth to my second adorable nephew Curtis Endo. Now here we are again at a hospital waiting room waiting for Hayley to give birth to her and Morgan's second child.

They meant it when they said they wanted all of our kids to be close in age.

Meanwhile I'll just have stuck to being some kind of... step mother? To Laila and I'm happy with that—I've come to love her like she's my own daughter as we spend more time together.

Jessie and Hayley worked hard on rekindling their friendship—still are trying to work on it according to Jessie, but is obvious she's trying hard, she spent most of Hayley's pregnancy by her side as much as she could.

"They've been there for hours though, how much longer do you think is going to take?" I asked to whoever would answer first.

"You were there when Marcus and Curtis were born, you know it takes time Kaden." It was Norah who answered me.

"It's only been nine hours, it could take longer than this. I took eleven hours of labour with Laila." Jessie said.

"True, I got twelve hours." Norah agreed.

"Yeah and I got an almost broken hand which hurt like hell." Jason chuckled making everyone stare at him—his smile fading. "But not more than giving birth... obviously."

"Nice one dude." I mocked him.

I turned to see Morgan's parents approaching us with both Marcus and Matty.

Morgan, Marcus and Matty.

What is it with the Valentine's and the M?

"How is it going?" Nick asked with Caitlin by his side as they stood in front of us while we sat in the waiting room—Marcus in Caitlin's arms, he learn to walk a few weeks ago but he loves to be carried around.

"Still nothing." I responded.

"There shouldn't be long until we hear from them." Caitlin said and sat across from us.

Jason handed Curtis to his wife before standing up and grabbing Matty and hopping him on his shoulder making him laugh loudly and yell.

"Jason!" Norah looked at him as he carried Matty upside down now.

"What? Oh." He looked down. "Don't scream Matty," he said before another look from his wife made him put the ten year old back on the ground.

Matty then stomped on his feet, "Dumbass."

Jason hissed, "You little sh—"

Jason didn't get to finish his insult towards the kid as he was interrupted by the sound of a door opening and Morgan coming out of it—her eyes red with tears and big smile on her face making everyone stand up.

"How is she?" Jessie was the first one to ask.

"Tired but she's okay... and so are they." Morgan looked to all of us—her smile couldn't possibly get bigger.

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