Chapter Thirty Nine

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Kaden's POV

Three year's later

"Morgan I really don't think this is for me." I said through the phone as I looked around the place. "I doubt the girl is even going to show up, she's half an hour late!"

"Well maybe you missed her out?"

"I know how she looks like! I knew this was a bad idea." I sat on the bench of the mall. While the rummaging sound from the call continued.

"Just try it out! It can't hurt to put yourself out there." I heard ruffling on the other side of the line.

"Yeah but not with dating apps, they are shit and this is another proof of that. What are you doing? What's all that noise?"

"I'm trying to find the formula." She sighed. "I think we ran out."

"You are an stellar mother Morgan... that's still weird to say." I mumbled the last part. "Where's the actual responsible mother of the house?" I tried to bother her.

"Fuck you, where's your date?" She shot back.

"Where's your formula?"

"Where's your stable relationship?!"

Okay she got me with that one.

It's not like I haven't tried relationships in these past years, I've been in four ever since... her. I just never got myself to truly fall in love with none of them—I loved each of the people I dated to a certain degree, I was just never able to really fall for them. The longest was my last one with this girl named Zara, we lasted eight months until she broke it off—she said I she felt I wasn't on the same page as she was and I can't blame her, because I wasn't. She didn't have hard feelings about it though, she was more understanding than the rest, it made me wish I could've make it work with her. It's been four months since that.

It's not easy to be entering your 30s and watch all of your friends in relationships. Jason and Morgan are now married to their girlfriend's, Divya is in a relationship and moved away from the apartment because of it... even Jen is dating someone —some old rich guy at that and she now kinda has step children— but she's not single.

Grace on the other hand is on the same boat as me, but by own choice, she doesn't want to get married or tied down so she keeps hooking up with people... one of those being me before my last relationship, but nothing serious, we had always kept it casual.

"Fuck off Morgan." I muttered. "Go tend to your kid and wife."

"Yeah I really should go buy more formula before Hayley and the little guy wake up." She sighed again.

"You gotta do what you gotta do Morg. I'll keep you updated on what I do." I looked at the people walking around the mall.

"I'll call you back! Good luck Kade."

"Yeah yeah go be a parent." We said our goodbyes and hung up.

After dating for two years Morgan and Hayley got engaged and then married shortly after and now they have a six month old baby that Hayley gave birth to. They used IVF, Morgan was the egg donor while Hayley carried the child. Now Morgan is not only married to Hayley, but they have a baby boy together named Marcus Valentine —Hayley had been more than happy to take Morgan's last name after getting married as well— and to say my nephew is the most adorable baby in the world is an understatement.

The boy had Morgan's grey eyes and Hayley's blonde hair, despite it being Morgan's egg there were slim chances for the baby to resemble the carrier and with enough luck he did. You could tell that the baby was theirs... and however was the other donor.

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