Chapter Twenty Six

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Kaden's POV

"Kaden! Kaden open up!" Divya's banging on my door woke me up. I looked to my side to see Jessie still cuddled against me and sleeping.

Shit not again.

"What do you want Divya?" I said loud enough for her to hear me.

"I ran out of Advils and my head is killing me, give me one of yours. Also why is your door locked?" She fumbled with it again.

Jessie shifted beside me and woke up, "What is—" I put my hand in her mouth.

"Because I want privacy." I gave Jessie a look as I took my hand off her.

"Since when do you want pri— do you have someone with you in there? It's that why you didn't go clubbing? To hook up?"

"No... there's no one here." I responded causing Jessie to glare at me for my terrible lying.

"Aren't you embarrassed of that terrible lie?" Divy said through the door.

"Divya go away!" Jessie carefully stood up from the bed and began picking up her clothes from the floor.

"No! Give me the pill and I'll go my head is killing me... otherwise I'll pick the lock."  The last part made me almost jump off the bed—I know Divya, she will do it.

I wordlessly pointed Jessie to my room's bathroom. She looked me like I was crazy as she put on her shirt—her pants still in her hands. I nodded to the bathroom's way again until she gave in and hid inside.

"Fine! Just give me a second."

I grabbed the shirt I was wearing last night and went to rummage through my stuff to find the pills for Divya. "You know you should have a fucking pharmacy in your room, you know you get bad hangovers."

"I'll keep it in mind." Divya said as I opened the door. She narrowed her eyes at me and took a step inside, "And you say there's no one here, it reeks of sex in here Kaden."

"That's nothing new." I shrugged.

Divya pointed to the lace bra that was obviously not mine since it was a little too big to be... and the other pair of shoes. "Are you hiding a girl in your bathroom?"

"No... she left last night." I looked around the room.

Divya hummed—seemingly amused by the situation. "She left without her shoes?"

"Women you know... we are complex beings." I handed her the pills and tried pushing her out of the room, but she kept eying it all. "Now out, come on Divya I'm going to sleep."

She abruptly turned around and gave a quick glance to the bathroom's door. "Kaden... I really hope you prove wrong what I'm thinking right now."

I tried to hide my reaction to her words as best as I could. "I have no idea what you are talking about." I finally pushed her out of the room and slammed the door on her face.

When I heard her steps fade away in the hallway and then her bedroom's door shut I went to the bathroom and opened the door. Jessie was standing there giving me a deadpanned look—she walked past me and back to the bed... her pants still on her hands.

"I left my things all over the place and that's why she saw through your shitty lies Kaden." Jessie said as she grabbed her phone from the night table.

"Who cares, she doesn't knows it's you."

She rolled her eyes as I passed her the bra that she had left on the floor. "This is too big to be mine," I chuckled when she took it from my hands.

"It's a compliment! They're the second best I've seen." I joked as I watched her finish getting changed.

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