Chapter Nine

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Kaden's POV

"You don't get it Divya, I'm actually on the verge of going insane! I need to get laid."

"You have been repeating that all day, I get it Kaden. God you are starting to sound like a fucking sex addict." I watched as Divya did her make up in her bedroom.

We were going to go out tonight to try our luck, her as much as me, to find someone to do. It's been way too long for my liking since I was last with someone, so fucking much that it made me think of... Jessie in that way. Of all the people in the world, but is also because she's the only attractive woman I'm constantly with— Divya doesn't count she's like my sister.

"Maybe I am... what if I'm going through withdrawals?" I sat up with my arms on her bed.

"You would be more insufferable than you already are." She put down her make up brush and stood up for her chair. "I'm ready to go."

"Fucking finally." I got up from her bed and handed her her bag. "You got to be the most unpunctual person that I know."

"We never settled on a time to go out and we are not meeting with anyone so... I'm not being unpunctual you are just impatient." Divya grabbed my hand and dragged me from her room.

"We are going to your friend's party so there kind of is a time set."

"Yeah but no one goes on time to parties, besides, Jen must be drunk already she won't even notice I'm late for her birthday party." We locked the door of the apartment and went to the elevator.

"Do you have the address? Because I don't want to get fucking lost again, I hate lake houses because of that."

"I do calm down, I can drive if you don't want to." I threw my car keys to Divya without a second thought.

"Have fun." I entered the passenger's seat before she would back out.

"I'll drive now but I won't be the designated driver on our way back. I'm planning on getting wasted so you are on duty. And you better not disappear all fucking night for some dry pussy or small dick, I swear Kaden it was not fucking fun last time." Divya warned me as she drove the car.

"It's not like you didn't punch me in the tit for that. I learned my lesson." I replied while changing the radio stations, I hate when they talk on them instead of putting music, like come on I'm in the car I need the atmosphere.

"Yeah not hard enough."

"Any kind of punch in there is hard enough bitch."

"Can you stop crying and put some music?" She threw the aux cord to my face.

I muttered a 'bitch' before choosing a song from my playlist.

We in fact got lost, Divya took the wrong turn twice, so if we were going fashionable late before now... it was more than. It was also a nice reminder of why I don't go on roadtrips with Divya, we would end up engaging in a car crash simply for fighting over where was the right turn to take, so I think we'll stick to vacations via airplane.

Despite the hardships —and ten minutes to try and find a parking spot— we made it to the party. Divya's friend had gone a little overboard with the amount of guests, the perks of having enough money to let people trash your lake house... but I can also understand you don't turn thirty everyday.

Thank god that's not me yet... I still have three years and half left of my twenties.

Fucking scary.

Divya yanked me by the arm when we managed to get through the crowded living room, it was kinda hard to listen to her with the loud music playing. "Don't get drunk."

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