Chapter Forty One

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Kaden's POV

I stood outside of Jessie's apartment—gathering courage to knock on her door. We had been texting a lot since our kiss last week but we had yet to see each other again.

When she told me her ex and her decided to sell the house during the divorce I was shocked, but she also explained that living in it made it harder for her to get over me... which I can understand. That house must have been a huge remainder of what we had, how could it not?

I took in a breath and finally decided on knocking on the door. Jessie yesterday invited me to come over, she said she wanted me to meet her daughter—properly meet her. I couldn't let that opportunity pass, I wanted to meet the little one, the first time in the Lego store she was just preoccupied she had lost her mom. I looked down at the things on my hands and smiled.

The door opened revealing Jessie with her hair straightened and up on a ponytail a few strands of hair loose—it was strange to not see her curls, only a handful of times have I seen her hair straightened—regardless she looks beautiful. A smile grew on her face and her white teeth showed.

"Right on time." She said moving to the side to let me in.

I stepped into the house and gave her the bouquet of flowers. "For you."

Jessie took it from my hands—her cheeks flushed as she lean in to peck my cheek. "They are beautiful, thank you."

The apartment was nothing short of luxurious, it had two floors and an big living-room that connected to a dinning room and an open kitchen. I spotted Layla watching something on the television.

"This is for her." I showed her the Lego Friends set.

Jessie tilted her head, "You barely met her and you are already spoiling her?"

"That's you little girl Jess, I'm going to spoil her regardless." She shook her head and grabbed my hand—guiding me towards the living-room.

"Layla honey." Jessie dropped my hand as she approached her daughter alone—kneeling on the carpet where she was sat watching the tv and playing with a Barbie doll. "A friend of mommy wants to meet you." Jessie pointed at me making the kid look at me.

"Hi." I said.

The kid looked at me in confusion.

"She probably doesn't remember you, but she's barely three, kids her age still don't really remember things." Jessie told me as she was still besides her daughter.

"Who is she?" Layla asked in a small voice.

"Kaden is a friend of mom, she helped you find me in the store... and she brought you a gift." Once Jessie said that the girl's eyes widened and she ran towards me—stopping in front of me as she jumped up and down.

"Hi." I repeated as I kneeled down to be at her level.

"Hello... you have a gift?" She looked at me with the same big brown eyes of her mother.

I chuckled and showed her the lego set and I swear I saw her eyes glow. "It's all yours little one."

Layla took it from me and was about to run off with the box before she was stopped by her mother's voice. "What do we say to gifts Layla?"

She looked between the box and me before she remembered what it was that her mom was referring to. "Thank you."

Laylay put the box on the floor and surprised me by briefly hugging me as best as she could—she quickly backed away and grabbed the box, heading back to her Barbies on the floor.

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