Chapter Seven

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Kaden's POV

"What could you possibly need the attic redecorated for." I said going up the stairs.

Sometimes I forget how long it can take to remodel a whole fucking house. I thought we were making progress since we just got the entire part of outside done and we started on the kitchen already, but I forgot this giant house had a basement and attic, one of which Jessie wants turn into I don't know what and the basement into an extra room, but also be like a chill room.

"A sex dungeon." Jessie responded, her face deadly serious making my eyes widen and it was then that her facade broke into laughter. "I'm just kidding."

"Oh I didn't doubt you were." I muttered looking around the dusty room. It wasn't dark at least, having to windows in each sides of the ceiling.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I turned my head to see Jessie with her arms crossed, waiting for me to answer her. "Nothing," I shrugged.

"No, no, you meant something with that," she walked to stand in front of me when I ignored her. "What was it?"

"You just... don't seem like the kind to do anything wild in bed." I tried to explain my thoughts best I could, regardless Jessie seemed to have taken offense.

Oh well she asked and I wasn't gonna lie.

"You are saying I'm bad in bed?"

"I wouldn't know." I looked around the empty room and back at her, "I just meant boring."

Jessie got closer to me, I looked down at her. Her dark curls were tied in a messy bun and her light brown eyes stared at my blue ones. I remember when she used to have a piercing on her nose during junior and senior year, it looked good on her, I don't doubt that it still would.

"You are right, you wouldn't know." She grabbed my chin with two fingers, her voice was low as her eyes studied my face, I felt my breath hitch before she backed away.

I rolled my eyes, "Anyway what do you really want up here?"

"An art studio."

"You couldn't use one of the rooms downstairs for that?" I walked to one of the windows.

"I'm married, at some point I'm going to have children and I don't feel like moving my stuff from one of the rooms when that happens." Jessie stood next to me watching the outside.

"You are already thinking about children?" I tried not to frown, but I failed. It's always strange to see someone my age thinking of or having kids.

I'm twenty seven but I would feel like a fucking teen mom.

"Shouldn't I? Patrick does and I understand why." Jessie looked at me.

"In what century are we Jessie? If you don't want kids yet then he has deal with it." Since when do I give advice to Jessie? Or talk to her this much.

"Doesn't matter, I'll have them at some point so the art room will be here." She extended her arms towards the empty space.

"I'll have it ready for you then. I will start it next week though, I need to help the rest downstairs in the kitchen."

"Oh of course take your time." Jessie stood there awkwardly, she looked like she had something that she wanted to say but was holding back.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's nothing really."

"You are the boss mrs. O'Connor you are free to ask anything." I teased her.

"Don't start with that shit again Kaden."

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