Chapter Eighteen

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Kaden's POV

"I can't believe I lost on rock, paper, scissors to fucking Michael." I complained as I laid back on the car seat.

"You say it like riding with us is thr worst thing in the world." Monique looked at me through the rear view.

"Don't get me wrong doll face I just hate to lose."

"Well it was either riding with us or with the scary rich woman on her Porsche." Dana was the one to speak up now.

"That doesn't sound too bad actually... she's hot."

"Of course you think she's hot." Monique said.

"We all think she's hot." Dana commented... and she's not wrong. Well maybe Hayley doesn't think so because she hates her.

Monique didn't deny it, she instead shrugged and begin to scroll through her playlist for a song.

"So why are your boyfriends not coming on this trip." I asked to the both of them.

"Andy thinks I should have this time off with my friends." Dana said.

"Dillon couldn't miss work these two days so." Monique responded.

"Thank god because everyone being coupled up in this trip would make me depressed actually." I said making Dana chuckle and look at me through the rearview when we stopped at a red light.

"You aren't the only one single, Michael and Elizabeth are single as well." She revealed peaking my interest.

"So Elizabeth is single?" I perked up and leaned slightly in between the driver and passenger seat.

"Do you ever think with your brain instead of your pussy?" Monique shot back not looking up from her phone as she finally settled on a song.

"Is that jealousy I sense in your voice doll face?" I teased her.

"You wish it was, don't you?" Monique said with disinterest.

"Not really, you just shattered my hope about an hour ago." Don't get me wrong I still think she's absolutely gorgeous and has an attractive personality... but I'm over my crush, I think putting me down one last time did the magic.

"You got over me in an hour?" Monique turned on her seat, brows raised.

"Pretty much, there was not a lot to get over." It was my time to shrug. Dana snorted and I watched as she shook her head.

"You are something else." Monique said and rearranged herself on the seat.

It took us about half an hour more of driving to get to the skiing resort where Morgan had rented the cabin. I could see Elizabeth behind us driving her car while Morgan was in front leading the way on her own car.

Eventually we finally arrived and despite it only being an hour and a half of driving my ass hurt regardless.

I helped Dana and Monique to get our bags out of the car before we went to reunite with the rest of the group as we waited for Morgan and Hayley to come back, they apparently had to gone to get the keys of the cabin in the office of the resort. Everyone had now their bags in hand as we waited, even Elizabeth who was a bit separated from the group.

"Okay we got the keys, it's not far let's go." Morgan showed the keys on her fingers and grabbed her girlfriend's hand before she began guiding us.

"How much you bet we get lost." Jason said from besides me.

"Twenty bucks we end up in the wrong cabin first." Michael joined in.

"I say she'll get it wrong twice." I opined.

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