Chapter Thirty Seven

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Kaden's POV

"I still can't fucking believe I got fired during Christmas Eve, who does that?! Are they the fucking grinch or something?" Divya complained as I strolled our shopping cart through the supermarket.

"That is actually a really asshole move not gonna lie." I muttered as I checked wine bottles.

"I'm going to sleep on the streets, I'll be homeless Kaden!"

I rolled my eyes and picked two bottles of wine—red and white. "You are not going to sleep in the streets, I'll pay your part until you find a new job."

"You can't."

"Too bad I'm doing it then." I smiled at her and dragged her to another isle.

"I'll pay you back." She said as she followed me.

"Don't worry about it Div." I waved her off.

"I will." She put a bottle of champagne on the cart.

We were in charge of the alcohol for tonight's Christmas party, while Morgan and Hayley were on dessert duty and Jason and Norah in charge of the food... Elizabeth, Jen and Grace were bringing whatever they wanted.

"This place is crowded." I muttered as we we waited for another cart to pass through.

"We'll we did leave the shopping for Christmas Eve, so what did you expect?" Divya said before apologizing as she bumped against someone.

"I'm just glad we only had to get the alcohol." I checked my phone and responded to Elizabeth's text. She had landed here yesterday but we were yet to meet—we had last seen each other when I was still with Jessie.

Thinking about her still hurts.

"Elizabeth is asking if we 'prefer Moët & Chandon or Bollinger?'" I read the text out loud.

"Is she insane?" Divya's eyes widened.

I shrugged, "I'll just tell her to pick whichever."

"She just casually asked you which one of the most expensive champagne brands in the world did you want?" Divya took the bottles of champagne out of our cart.

I hummed in confirmation. "She's rich Divya."

"I know that." We moved along to pick some other that we might need at the house. "Are you going to date her now?"

I frowned, "What? No, she's my friend."

Who I fucked, but friend nonetheless.

"Just wondering! Since you know... you are single single now."

"I was never not single, but I get what you mean. I won't do anything with Elizabeth, I'm just going to stick to myself for a while." I don't want to be with anyone else, not for now.

Maybe not for a long time... until I'm over her.

"She's all yours." I decided to tease her.

"Excuse me?" She raised a brow.

"You heard me." I grinned as I grabbed some milk, remembering we were short on that at home.

Divya scoffed, "I'm straight."

"Then why are you bothered?" I continued to annoy her.

"I'm not bothered." She denied.

"What's up with you? You didn't have any issues with mentioning Elizabeth before, now you get awkward..." my eyes widened. "Oh my god did something happened last time at her penthouse?"

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