Chapter Forty

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Kaden's POV

"You didn't see her Jase, she has a kid now! A beautiful little girl that looks just like her at that." I passed around my living room, a smile on my face as I recalled the events of two days ago.

"You sound so smitten Kade." Jason laughed over the phone.

"You think I care?"

"I don't actually, you said she gave you her number, right? Did you text her?"

I stopped pacing around at that, "No... I thought I would look desperate."

"Kaden you are thirty years old who the hell cares at this point?!"

"Go ahead throw my age in my face." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just trying to make a point. Go and text her man, you have nothing to lose. Who cares if you might seem desperate? You are desperate is not a lie."

"I'm not desperate." I muttered. "But what if she's still married?"

"You take it and move on, but if she's not then you are wasting your time by not texting her, like she told you to." Jason's words echoed my own thoughts since that day.

She did tell me to text her.

Jessie saved her contact as Jessie Miller instead of Jessie O'Connor.

That has to mean something, right?

It's not me being delusional... right?

"What should I even text her?" I was trying to not freak out.

"Dude just tell her you want to go for that coffee today!"


"Yes today you idiot! I'm going to hang up on you and you better text her, because we all love you and don't want to see you moping around anymore. Got it?" Jason's voice was serious now.

But then again, this is why I called Jason instead of Morgan. He tends to be more direct and sincere than Morgan is... she would say a bunch of stupidities and one thing right.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll let you know what happens."

"I'll be waiting, now go go." He hung up before I could even say bye—ass.

I opened the empty chat with Jessie and looked at it without writing anything.

How should I even start? With a 'hello' but what after without sounding like a dumbass.

Fuck it.

Jessie Miller

Hey, it's Kaden.

That should do the trick.

I nodded proud of myself and almost dropped my phone when it rang.

Jessie Miller

I know. I never deleted your number Kaden.


Wait she didn't delete it?

I face palmed myself at that. What the hell is wrong with me? I already said hi!

Jessie Miller

Hi Kaden, how are you?

I've never been better.
And you?

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