Chapter Five

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Kaden's POV

As much as I love the snow I'm glad is gone for now. When I'm working on a house I rather it be during the summer or at least hot enough that I don't catch a froze bite and I don't slip on frozen rooftops. May might be the best month to work in this, in my opinion.

It's been two weeks since it has snowed and two weeks since I started working in Jessie's house. She's barely here, if I had to say how much I see her around it would be like a three times a week, roughly. Her husband on the other hand hasn't made an appearance since the day he signed the papers.

Better for me to not see either of them, he looked pretentious and Jessie was... her.

The remodeling of the outside of the house was completed, which means that we needed to commence the lengthier part of the house now. We were supposed to replace the floors in every floor and room with the ridiculous expensive ones the happy couple had chosen—but we started with painting the walls that were needed to be painted white, while the rest were white stone gladding.

"Try not to stain the floor Luis." I instructed as I saw drops of paint fall to it from his paint brush.

"What does it matter? We are removing it next week anyway."

"I care, so if you can't do as I tell you then go and grab one of the plastics." I stepped down from the small ladder to grab more paint. He cursed under his breath, but went to get the plastic.

I resumed my shore and ignored the attitude. "It's been a while since the mrs has made an appearance." Tom made conversation.

"Has it?"

"Don't act like you haven't noticed kid, I might be older than you, but I'm not senile. We all have noticed she hasn't come over to check." Tom looked up at me, a beer can at hand.

"Who cares, rich people are busy and we are just here to do our job. Anything else is pure gossip."

"That's what makes the job more entertaining." He walked off back to the kitchen, where he was supposed to be painting with Joan while Luis and I handled the living room — today it was just the four of us.

The front door opened and close and then the sound of steps was heard — I saw Luis stop his work to look at the person coming in and of course it had to be Jessie.

Speak of the devil and she doth appear.

She was wearing workout clothes, black biker shorts accompanied by a matching black sports bra and nike shoes. Her long curly hair was pulled up into a ponytail and a jacket was in one of her hands. Shorts that hugged her figure making it a sight for sore eyes, even if her presence made my day sore. I can't deny a hot woman when I see it, and Jessie is hard to miss.

"Hi." Jessie greeted the two of us working in the living room, but her eyes were focused on me.

Kill me now.

"Hey mrs. O'Connor." I responded, trying to hold back a smirk as I knew me addressing her like that irritated her.

She gave me a fake smile and a roll of eyes as she began inspecting the room, "The place is looking great."

"Only the best for you miss." Luis said appearing in front of Jessie, obstructing my view of her.

I raised a brow and got off the small ladder, "We are only getting started, you should check the progress on the kitchen though." I put the paint brush down and approached my coworker.

"I will." Jessie nodded looking between the two of us and walked off to the kitchen, Luis's eyes following her as she went.

I put a hand on his shoulder rather roughly as he was still stuck ogling her. Which was extremely disrespectful, she was a married woman in her house and didn't need a worker unwanted eyes on her. "You get back to work and keep your eyes to yourself. Are we clear?"

His face went red as he nodded, "Yes boss." He responded before going back to painting

I could hear the chatter between Tom and Jessie going off at the kitchen as I continued my work. But of course my peace had to be disrupted by no other than the owner of the house herself.


"Yes, mrs. O'Connor?" I smiled at her as I saw her jaw clench.

"Come outside with me." Jessie ordered, not waiting for me to give a yes or no as she headed to the glass double door that guided to the backyard.

This woman I swear.

I got off the ladder again and put the brush down so I could go after her. I brushed my hands against my pants as I followed behind her, her back facing me and my eyes inevitably falling to her figure. It was indeed a fucking sight.

"You know, it's funny you are doing exactly what you just told your coworker to stop doing." Jessie turned around making my eyes widen as I realized that I got caught.

"What are you talking about?" I tried playing dumb.

Jessie looked at me with crossed arms and a face that it was obvious she didn't believe me. "Don't even, I could feel your eyes. You are not subtle Kaden."

I shrugged giving in, "You have a nice ass."

"I know."

"I've fucked better though." I said making the confident look in her face turn into one of annoyance.

"You are such a—" Jessie said frustrated, not knowing how to finish the sentence.

"A what?" I got closer to her.


"That I am, but not enough to add you to my list." I shamelessly checked her out—my eyes stopping at her chest, her crossed arms making them stand out more.

I need to get laid.

"Eyes, Kaden." Jessie called me out with a raised brow.

"Are they unwanted there?"


"As you wish mrs. O'Connor." I shifted my sight back to her coffee eyes full of annoyance.

"Fuck you."

I pouted and shrugged, "I don't do married women."

Jessie once again rolled her eyes. She does that a lot when talking with me, but curiously never seen her do it to anyone else. I wanted to laugh about it, but I've teased her enough for a day.

"Anyway, I brought you here because I needed to tell you that I want a hot tub put here on the yard. Can you do that?" Her arms uncrossed as went limp against her sides.

"Sure, where exactly?" The backyard is not excessively big but there were at least three places where the tub could be at.

"I was thinking near the double door of where the gym is going to be." I walked to her to the spot.

I nodded, "Yeah we could just put it on the corner near the fence. It won't obstruct the way in the yard and it will be near the house and the backyard porch. I'll let you know when we can do it."

"Great! I'll leave you to your work." Jessie pulled out her phone and began walking to the inside of the house—hips swaying as she did. "Eyes up Kaden!" I heard her say with a chuckle.

Fuck I really, really need to get laid.

A/N - The pic above is how it's supposed to look like when it's done, is so y'all get an idea.

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