Chapter Seventeen

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Kaden's POV

"Yeah I just got in the uber Divya." I answered putting on my AirPods.

"Took you long enough, how's the States?"

"Looks about just how it was a year ago." I responded looking out of the window.

"I wish I could've gone with you but I really couldn't miss work, I've used all my sick days already."

"No shit, you went on a week trip to Montreal." I went out of the call to text Morgan to tell her I was on my way to her parent's house.

"You were there! Besides it was for my birthday so it was for a good reason." I watched through the phone as Divya went to the fridge and took out a can of Mountain-dew.

"It was fun yes, but now you're missing on this."

"Don't remind me, I wanted to meet your friends. I'm still shocked they exist." Divya gave me a mocking smile before taking a sip of her drink.

"You are so funny bitch." I said sarcastically.

"You love me."

"Try not to die in these four days without me."

"Don't worry Jen and Grace are coming over to stay these four days." Divya threw herself on the couch.

"And where is it that those two will be sleeping." I asked already imagining the answer.

"Well Jen is taking the couch or sleeping with me and Grace is taking your bed." Divya continued talking—not letting me give her my opinion on that. "She's familiar with your bed so I saw no issues with that."

I sighed, "You are never letting that go, are you?"

"Not a chance."

"I might as well sleep with her again if you are just going to bother me with it forever." I said knowing well it was not going to happen again... maybe.

"Go ahead, do it." Divya said rather... calmly.

"Never mind." I mumbled.

"That's what I thought."

"I have to leave you, I need to call Morgan to tell her I'm close to her parent's house." I looked out the window to see the familiar neighborhood come into view.

"Fine, have fun and keep me updated." Divya said.

"Will do, bye." I hung up and went straight to call Morgan.

The phone rung three times before she picked up. "Hey! Are you here?"

"I'm like a block away, are you there already?"

"Of course I got here in the morning, you should've let me go pick you up."

"It's fine you already drove two hours today, I didn't mind taking an uber." As I said that the car came to a stop in front of the all too familiar house of the Valentine's.

I paid the driver and he helped me taking my luggage out of the trunk. Morgan walked out of the house just before the guy drove away—Hayley following behind her along with mrs. Valentine.

I went towards them and walked past a Morgan with her arms opened for a hug and went to embrace her mom instead.

I could imagine the look on Morgan's face, which made it hard not to laugh.

But I was genuinely happy to see her mom, Caitlin Valentine has always treated me like family. Annoying Morgan was just a bonus.

"It's so good to see you sweetie." Caitlin hugged me tightly before letting go.

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