Chapter Twenty Five

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Kaden's POV

"Kaden I'm talking to you." Divya waved her hand in front of my face.

"What!" I took off my headphones.

Divya narrowed her, she put the two skirts she had on her hands down and crossed her arms. "What's up with you? Your head has been on the clouds lately. What did you do?" She asked accusingly.

"Nothing," I rolled my eyes.

I wasn't about to tell her that I was hooking up with Jessie and I can't get her out of my head, also I haven't heard from her in days and it might or not be driving me crazy.

"You never told me what happened in your trip to the States." She launched herself on the couch besides me.

"Not much, I slept with a friend of Morgan's. I liked her but it lead to nothing since I'm in another country, but we still text each other." I shrugged. That was the most simplified explanation of the trip I could give her.

"So nothing new for you."

"No Divya, nothing new for me."

"That's still not it... you are too melancholic so I know it's not a boy, I remember you used to make them melancholic in college, not the other way around. Girls on the other hand... they're your soft spot. So who is it? The friend of Morgan's that you slept with?" Divya poked my side to try and get an answer out of me.

"No it's not Elizabeth."

"Oh so she has a name." Divya accommodated herself on the couch to gossip. "Tell me about her."

"What can I tell you? She's British and Lebanese, she's in her early 30's I'm not quite sure of her age though, she's also the CEO of the company Morgan used to work for... she used to sleep with Morgan." At that part Divya's eyes went wide.

"Do you share your fucks with Morgan?"

"What?! No! I would never sleep with Hayley." I shuddered at the thought of it, I might have joked about a threesome at the cabin, but I would never go through with it. I wouldn't even sleep with Morgan again let alone.

Divya put her hands up in surrender, "I'm just asking! You two are a weird duo."

"Not that weird and so is Jason." I mumbled.

"Okay so if it's not that rich woman then who is it?" Divya insisted, but I was not about to tell her.

"No one, I'm not melancholic about anyone. I'm just thinking about life and stuff going on in it." I explained. Divya however wasn't buying anything coming out of my mouth.

She stood up from the couch and looked at me suspiciously, as if trying to figure me out and I have to admit—I was scared that would in fact figure out who it was that I was thinking about. Divya is not stupid and —unlike Morgan— she is not oblivious.

"I'll let you come and tell me whatever it is that has you on a mood. I'm always here for you Kade."

"I know you are, but it's nothing Dyv."

She hummed not believing me still, "Are you coming to the clubs with me and the girls tonight or you are too depressed for that?"

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