Chapter Thirty Five

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Kaden's POV

She's fucking pregnant.

I watched as people approached Jessie and her husband to congratulate the happy couple.

"Wow easy, a bit more and you are going to break the glass." Divya said taking the drink from my hand. I didn't respond to her, just looked away from the sight in front of me. "I'm sorry Kaden."

"Don't be, is not your fault... or either worthy to be sorry about." I shook my head and sighed. "I need to go to the bathroom, we can leave afterwards."

"Want me to go with you?"

"No, I just need a second alone. Wait for me in the car will you?" Divya looked at me for a moment before she nodded.

"Fine, meet you there."

I went upstairs to where I knew the bathroom was, not bothering to listen to my mom or dad who kept calling for me. I walked upstairs for what will be the last time of me doing so. I knew where every room in this house was—I knew it better than he did.

Getting inside the only bathroom that wasn't connected to a room I closed the door and leaned against the sink with my good arm. I kept taking breaths—in and out.

Why— how could she?

She said she felt things for me...

All a fucking lie obviously.

I looked at myself in the mirror—the cuts on my face already healed but at least three of them had left a scar. Not that I cared.

All that was left of the accident was my broken arm.

Now I just don't look broken, but feel broken as well.

I chuckled humorlessly as I kept staring into the mirror.

Don't cry Kaden, it's not worthy.

"It's not worthy." I repeated to myself before braving myself to leave the bathroom.

I stopped to give one last look to the house I had made, one last time. One last look at all the memories I made here. I wish they didn't, I wish none of it happened.


That voice made me snap out of memory lane, it felt like another stab in my stomach to hear her. I quickly shock my head and began to head downstairs, only for my path to get blocked each time.


"Get out of my way." I muttered growing more annoyed by the second.

"No, let me talk to you please."

"No. There is nothing you can say to me, I don't ever want to see you again." I tried passing by her more roughly, but when she clung to me to not let me pass I knew if I acted more harshly I would hurt her.

Despite everything I would never physically hurt her.

"Just... listen to me one last time. Please."

"What? Now I'm worth your words? Your time? Your explanations? I wonder why that is." I scoffed and try passing again, but she was expecting to try to go again.

"I know you mad and you have every right to, but please let me speak to you for the last time." Jessie's brown eyes were glistening, but I wasn't fucking buying it.

She's just feeling guilty.

I walked the other way to one of the spare rooms, not caring to look back to her—I knew she would be following. Not even when we entered and I heard the door lock behind me did I bother turning around.

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