Chapter Twenty Two

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Kaden's POV

"I thought you said you would go easy on me with the fair games?" Elizabeth asked as I handed her yet another teddy.

"I didn't say such thing, I said I wouldn't be a bad winner."

"You haven't been that one either."

We walked to meet up with the rest of the group who were watching Hayley and Norah throw darts to balloons. "Doesn't mean that I didn't try. Don't you like the teddies though?"

"I do but... I think three is enough for me to carry." She motioned to the ones in her arms—I took two of them from her to help her out.

"Let me help you with that, I'll get you a keychain next."

"Such a gentlewoman you are." Elizabeth smiled — we stood besides the rest watching Hayley fail to hit the balloons, unlike Norah who seemed to have hit almost every of them.

"Did you two sleep together— fuck!" Dana was smacked in the back of the head by Monique. "What?!"

"Don't go around asking shit like that." She told her friend.

"You wanted to know!"

Monique's cheek flushed at her friend snitching on her, "Doesn't mean you actually go and ask."

Dana turned to the both of us, "Did my question make you uncomfortable?"


"I thought you weren't interested in me."

Elizabeth and I said at the same time—me to Monique more specifically. I couldn't help but to laugh and the glare she sent my way.

"I'm not interested in you! You didn't let me sleep with all that fucking moaning." Monique expressed making Elizabeth's face contort into one of embarrassment. She began to look everywhere but to any of us.

"See if I had said that I would've been smacked in the head again." Dana pointed out.

"Sorry Elizabeth," Monique apologized for her bluntness to the —still embarrassed— British woman.

"I should be the one apologizing, it seems." Elizabeth looked back her and smiled shyly. That's the first time I've seen her embarrassed and it was adorable.

"No apology to me?" I said to Monique.

"I can't stand you."

"Lately I get that more often than not, I'm used to it now so I don't mind." I shrugged.

"Yeah I wonder what makes people say that." Monique said sarcastically.

"Kudus though, you both seemed to be having a beyond great time last night." Dana commented earning another smack to the head from her best friend. "Stop!"

"You stop being so blunt!" Monique complained and dragged her apart from us as they kept bickering.

"I told you we were being loud." I commented.

"Guys look at this!" Morgan came over and showed a baby Yoda teddy. "Hayley got it for me," she looked lovingly at her girlfriend.

"Norah also got me one, we are matching." Jason showed his own baby Yoda and kissed his girlfriend on the cheek.

"No one got me anything if anyone is wondering." Michael spoke up.

"Here." Elizabeth handed him one of the stuffed animal.

"Aw thank you." Michael grabbed it with a smile.

"But—" Elizabeth gave me a look that made me shut up.

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